
/OpenJDK 21

Interface StringTemplate.Processor<R,E extends Throwable>

Type Parameters:
R - Processor's process result type
E - Exception thrown type
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.
@FunctionalInterface public static interface StringTemplate.Processor<R,E extends Throwable>
Processor is a preview API of the Java platform.
Programs can only use Processor when preview features are enabled.
Preview features may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent features of the Java platform.
This interface describes the methods provided by a generalized string template processor. The primary method process(StringTemplate) is used to validate and compose a result using a StringTemplate'sPREVIEW fragments and values lists.

For example:

class MyProcessor implements Processor<String, IllegalArgumentException> {
    public String process(StringTemplate st) throws IllegalArgumentException {
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         Iterator<String> fragmentsIter = st.fragments().iterator();

         for (Object value : st.values()) {

             if (value instanceof Boolean) {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("I don't like Booleans");



         return sb.toString();

MyProcessor myProcessor = new MyProcessor();
try {
    int x = 10;
    int y = 20;
    String result = myProcessor."\{x} + \{y} = \{x + y}";
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
Implementations of this interface may provide, but are not limited to, validating inputs, composing inputs into a result, and transforming an intermediate string result to a non-string value before delivering the final result.

The user has the option of validating inputs used in composition. For example an SQL processor could prevent injection vulnerabilities by sanitizing inputs or throwing an exception of type E if an SQL statement is a potential vulnerability.

Composing allows user control over how the result is assembled. Most often, a user will construct a new string from the string template, with placeholders replaced by string representations of value list elements. These string representations are created as if invoking String.valueOf(java.lang.Object).

Transforming allows the processor to return something other than a string. For instance, a JSON processor could return a JSON object, by parsing the string created by composition, instead of the composed string.

StringTemplate.ProcessorPREVIEW is a FunctionalInterface. This permits declaration of a processor using lambda expressions;

Processor<String, RuntimeException> processor = st -> {
    List<String> fragments = st.fragments();
    List<Object> values = st.values();
    // check or manipulate the fragments and/or values
    return StringTemplate.interpolate(fragments, values);
The StringTemplate.interpolate()PREVIEW method is available for those processors that just need to work with the string interpolation;
Processor<String, RuntimeException> processor = StringTemplate::interpolate;
or simply transform the string interpolation into something other than String;
Processor<JSONObject, RuntimeException> jsonProcessor = st -> new JSONObject(st.interpolate());
Implementation Note:
The Java compiler automatically imports StringTemplate.STRPREVIEW
See Java Language Specification:
15.8.6 Process Template Expressions
See Also:

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Interface Description
static interface  StringTemplate.Processor.LinkagePREVIEW
Built-in policies using this additional interface have the flexibility to specialize the composition of the templated string by returning a customized MethodHandle from linkagePREVIEW.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
static <T> StringTemplate.ProcessorPREVIEW<T,RuntimeException> of(Function<? super StringTemplatePREVIEW,? extends T> process)
This factory method can be used to create a StringTemplate.ProcessorPREVIEW containing a process(java.lang.StringTemplate) method derived from a lambda expression.
R process(StringTemplatePREVIEW stringTemplate)
Constructs a result based on the template fragments and values in the supplied stringTemplatePREVIEW object.

Method Details


R process(StringTemplatePREVIEW stringTemplate) throws E
Constructs a result based on the template fragments and values in the supplied stringTemplatePREVIEW object.
API Note:
Processing of a StringTemplatePREVIEW may include validation according to the particular facts relating to each situation. The E type parameter indicates the type of checked exception that is thrown by process(java.lang.StringTemplate) if validation fails, ex. java.sql.SQLException. If no checked exception is expected then RuntimeException may be used. Note that unchecked exceptions, such as RuntimeException, NullPointerException or IllegalArgumentException may be thrown as part of the normal method arguments processing. Details of which exceptions are thrown will be found in the documentation of the specific implementation.
stringTemplate - a StringTemplatePREVIEW instance
constructed object of type R
E - exception thrown by the template processor when validation fails


static <T> StringTemplate.ProcessorPREVIEW<T,RuntimeException> of(Function<? super StringTemplatePREVIEW,? extends T> process)
This factory method can be used to create a StringTemplate.ProcessorPREVIEW containing a process(java.lang.StringTemplate) method derived from a lambda expression. As an example;
Processor<String, RuntimeException> mySTR = Processor.of(StringTemplate::interpolate);
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
String str = mySTR."\{x} + \{y} = \{x + y}";
The result type of the constructed StringTemplate.ProcessorPREVIEW may be derived from the lambda expression, thus this method may be used in a var statement. For example, mySTR from above can also be declared using;
var mySTR = Processor.of(StringTemplate::interpolate);
RuntimeException is the assumed exception thrown type.
Type Parameters:
T - Processor's process result type
process - a function that takes a StringTemplatePREVIEW as an argument and returns the inferred result type
a StringTemplate.ProcessorPREVIEW

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