
/OpenJDK 21

Class KeyStore.Builder

Enclosing class:
public abstract static class KeyStore.Builder extends Object
A description of a to-be-instantiated KeyStore object.

An instance of this class encapsulates the information needed to instantiate and initialize a KeyStore object. That process is triggered when the getKeyStore() method is called.

This makes it possible to decouple configuration from KeyStore object creation and e.g. delay a password prompt until it is needed.

See Also:

Constructor Summary

Modifier Constructor Description
Construct a new Builder.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
abstract KeyStore getKeyStore()
Returns the KeyStore described by this object.
abstract KeyStore.ProtectionParameter getProtectionParameter(String alias)
Returns the ProtectionParameter that should be used to obtain the Entry with the given alias.
static KeyStore.Builder newInstance(File file, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protection)
Returns a new Builder object.
static KeyStore.Builder newInstance(String type, Provider provider, File file, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protection)
Returns a new Builder object.
static KeyStore.Builder newInstance(String type, Provider provider, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protection)
Returns a new Builder object.
static KeyStore.Builder newInstance(KeyStore keyStore, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protectionParameter)
Returns a new Builder that encapsulates the given KeyStore.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


protected Builder()
Construct a new Builder.

Method Details


public abstract KeyStore getKeyStore() throws KeyStoreException
Returns the KeyStore described by this object.
the KeyStore described by this object
KeyStoreException - if an error occurred during the operation, for example if the KeyStore could not be instantiated or loaded


public abstract KeyStore.ProtectionParameter getProtectionParameter(String alias) throws KeyStoreException
Returns the ProtectionParameter that should be used to obtain the Entry with the given alias. The getKeyStore method must be invoked before this method may be called.
alias - the alias of the KeyStore entry
the ProtectionParameter that should be used to obtain the Entry with the given alias.
NullPointerException - if alias is null
KeyStoreException - if an error occurred during the operation
IllegalStateException - if the getKeyStore method has not been invoked prior to calling this method


public static KeyStore.Builder newInstance(KeyStore keyStore, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protectionParameter)
Returns a new Builder that encapsulates the given KeyStore. The getKeyStore() method of the returned object will return keyStore, the getProtectionParameter() method will return protectionParameters.

This is useful if an existing KeyStore object needs to be used with builder-based APIs.

keyStore - the KeyStore to be encapsulated
protectionParameter - the ProtectionParameter used to protect the KeyStore entries
a new Builder object
NullPointerException - if keyStore or protectionParameter is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the keyStore has not been initialized


public static KeyStore.Builder newInstance(String type, Provider provider, File file, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protection)
Returns a new Builder object.

The first call to the getKeyStore() method on the returned builder will create a KeyStore of type type and call its load() method. The inputStream argument is constructed from file. If protection is a PasswordProtection, the password is obtained by calling the getPassword method. Otherwise, if protection is a CallbackHandlerProtection, the password is obtained by invoking the CallbackHandler.

Subsequent calls to getKeyStore() return the same object as the initial call. If the initial call failed with a KeyStoreException, subsequent calls also throw a KeyStoreException.

The KeyStore is instantiated from provider if non-null. Otherwise, all installed providers are searched.

Calls to getProtectionParameter() will return a PasswordProtection object encapsulating the password that was used to invoke the load method.

Note that the getKeyStore() method is executed within the AccessControlContext of the code invoking this method.

type - the type of KeyStore to be constructed
provider - the provider from which the KeyStore is to be instantiated (or null)
file - the File that contains the KeyStore data
protection - the ProtectionParameter securing the KeyStore data
a new Builder object
NullPointerException - if type, file or protection is null
IllegalArgumentException - if protection is not an instance of either PasswordProtection or CallbackHandlerProtection; or if file does not exist or does not refer to a normal file


public static KeyStore.Builder newInstance(File file, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protection)
Returns a new Builder object.

The first call to the getKeyStore() method on the returned builder will create a KeyStore using file to detect the keystore type and then call its load() method. It uses the same algorithm to determine the keystore type as described in KeyStore.getInstance(File, LoadStoreParameter). The inputStream argument is constructed from file. If protection is a PasswordProtection, the password is obtained by calling the getPassword method. Otherwise, if protection is a CallbackHandlerProtection, the password is obtained by invoking the CallbackHandler.

Subsequent calls to getKeyStore() return the same object as the initial call. If the initial call failed with a KeyStoreException, subsequent calls also throw a KeyStoreException.

Calls to getProtectionParameter() will return a PasswordProtection object encapsulating the password that was used to invoke the load method.

Note that the getKeyStore() method is executed within the AccessControlContext of the code invoking this method.

file - the File that contains the KeyStore data
protection - the ProtectionParameter securing the KeyStore data
a new Builder object
NullPointerException - if file or protection is null
IllegalArgumentException - if protection is not an instance of either PasswordProtection or CallbackHandlerProtection; or if file does not exist or does not refer to a normal file


public static KeyStore.Builder newInstance(String type, Provider provider, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protection)
Returns a new Builder object.

Each call to the getKeyStore() method on the returned builder will return a new KeyStore object of type type. Its load() method is invoked using a LoadStoreParameter that encapsulates protection.

The KeyStore is instantiated from provider if non-null. Otherwise, all installed providers are searched.

Calls to getProtectionParameter() will return protection.

Note that the getKeyStore() method is executed within the AccessControlContext of the code invoking this method.

type - the type of KeyStore to be constructed
provider - the provider from which the KeyStore is to be instantiated (or null)
protection - the ProtectionParameter securing the Keystore
a new Builder object
NullPointerException - if type or protection is null

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