
/OpenJDK 21

Interface SystemSleepListener

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, SystemEventListener
public interface SystemSleepListener extends SystemEventListener
Implementors receive notification as the system is entering sleep, and after the system wakes.

This notification is useful for disconnecting from network services prior to sleep, or re-establishing a connection if the network configuration has changed during sleep.


Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void systemAboutToSleep(SystemSleepEvent e)
Called when the system is about to sleep.
void systemAwoke(SystemSleepEvent e)
Called after the system has awoken from sleeping.

Method Details


void systemAboutToSleep(SystemSleepEvent e)
Called when the system is about to sleep. Note: This message may not be delivered prior to the actual system sleep, and may be processed after the corresponding wake has occurred.
e - the system sleep event


void systemAwoke(SystemSleepEvent e)
Called after the system has awoken from sleeping.
e - the system sleep event

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