
/OpenJDK 21

Class DropTarget

All Implemented Interfaces:
DropTargetListener, Serializable, EventListener
public class DropTarget extends Object implements DropTargetListener, Serializable
The DropTarget is associated with a Component when that Component wishes to accept drops during Drag and Drop operations.

Each DropTarget is associated with a FlavorMap. The default FlavorMap hereafter designates the FlavorMap returned by SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap().

See Also:

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Class Description
protected static class  DropTarget.DropTargetAutoScroller
this protected nested class implements autoscrolling

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
Creates a DropTarget.
DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl)
Creates a DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, an int representing the default acceptable action(s) to support, and a DropTargetListener to handle event processing.
DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl, boolean act)
Creates a DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, an int representing the default acceptable action(s) to support, a DropTargetListener to handle event processing, and a boolean indicating if the DropTarget is currently accepting drops.
DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl, boolean act, FlavorMap fm)
Creates a new DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, an int representing the default acceptable action(s) to support, a DropTargetListener to handle event processing, a boolean indicating if the DropTarget is currently accepting drops, and a FlavorMap to use (or null for the default FlavorMap).
DropTarget(Component c, DropTargetListener dtl)
Creates a DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, and the DropTargetListener to handle event processing.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void addDropTargetListener(DropTargetListener dtl)
Adds a new DropTargetListener (UNICAST SOURCE).
void addNotify()
Notify the DropTarget that it has been associated with a Component This method is usually called from java.awt.Component.addNotify() of the Component associated with this DropTarget to notify the DropTarget that a ComponentPeer has been associated with that Component.
protected void clearAutoscroll()
clear autoscrolling
protected DropTarget.DropTargetAutoScroller createDropTargetAutoScroller(Component c, Point p)
create an embedded autoscroller
protected DropTargetContext createDropTargetContext()
Creates the DropTargetContext associated with this DropTarget.
void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent dtde)
Calls dragEnter on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetDragEvent.
void dragExit(DropTargetEvent dte)
Calls dragExit on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetEvent.
void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent dtde)
Calls dragOver on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetDragEvent.
void drop(DropTargetDropEvent dtde)
Calls drop on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetDropEvent if this DropTarget is active.
void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent dtde)
Calls dropActionChanged on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetDragEvent.
Component getComponent()
Gets the Component associated with this DropTarget.
int getDefaultActions()
Gets an int representing the current action(s) supported by this DropTarget.
DropTargetContext getDropTargetContext()
Gets the DropTargetContext associated with this DropTarget.
FlavorMap getFlavorMap()
Gets the FlavorMap associated with this DropTarget.
protected void initializeAutoscrolling(Point p)
initialize autoscrolling
boolean isActive()
Reports whether or not this DropTarget is currently active (ready to accept drops).
void removeDropTargetListener(DropTargetListener dtl)
Removes the current DropTargetListener (UNICAST SOURCE).
void removeNotify()
Notify the DropTarget that it has been disassociated from a Component This method is usually called from java.awt.Component.removeNotify() of the Component associated with this DropTarget to notify the DropTarget that a ComponentPeer has been disassociated with that Component.
void setActive(boolean isActive)
Sets the DropTarget active if true, inactive if false.
void setComponent(Component c)
Note: this interface is required to permit the safe association of a DropTarget with a Component in one of two ways, either: component.setDropTarget(droptarget); or droptarget.setComponent(component);
void setDefaultActions(int ops)
Sets the default acceptable actions for this DropTarget
void setFlavorMap(FlavorMap fm)
Sets the FlavorMap associated with this DropTarget.
protected void updateAutoscroll(Point dragCursorLocn)
update autoscrolling with current cursor location

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl, boolean act, FlavorMap fm) throws HeadlessException
Creates a new DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, an int representing the default acceptable action(s) to support, a DropTargetListener to handle event processing, a boolean indicating if the DropTarget is currently accepting drops, and a FlavorMap to use (or null for the default FlavorMap).

The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.

c - The Component with which this DropTarget is associated
ops - The default acceptable actions for this DropTarget
dtl - The DropTargetListener for this DropTarget
act - Is the DropTarget accepting drops.
fm - The FlavorMap to use, or null for the default FlavorMap
HeadlessException - if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true
See Also:


public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl, boolean act) throws HeadlessException
Creates a DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, an int representing the default acceptable action(s) to support, a DropTargetListener to handle event processing, and a boolean indicating if the DropTarget is currently accepting drops.

The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.

c - The Component with which this DropTarget is associated
ops - The default acceptable actions for this DropTarget
dtl - The DropTargetListener for this DropTarget
act - Is the DropTarget accepting drops.
HeadlessException - if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true
See Also:


public DropTarget() throws HeadlessException
Creates a DropTarget.
HeadlessException - if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true
See Also:


public DropTarget(Component c, DropTargetListener dtl) throws HeadlessException
Creates a DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, and the DropTargetListener to handle event processing.

The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.

c - The Component with which this DropTarget is associated
dtl - The DropTargetListener for this DropTarget
HeadlessException - if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true
See Also:


public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl) throws HeadlessException
Creates a DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, an int representing the default acceptable action(s) to support, and a DropTargetListener to handle event processing.

The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.

c - The Component with which this DropTarget is associated
ops - The default acceptable actions for this DropTarget
dtl - The DropTargetListener for this DropTarget
HeadlessException - if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true
See Also:

Method Details


public void setComponent(Component c)
Note: this interface is required to permit the safe association of a DropTarget with a Component in one of two ways, either: component.setDropTarget(droptarget); or droptarget.setComponent(component);

The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.

c - The new Component this DropTarget is to be associated with.


public Component getComponent()
Gets the Component associated with this DropTarget.
the current Component


public void setDefaultActions(int ops)
Sets the default acceptable actions for this DropTarget
ops - the default actions
See Also:


public int getDefaultActions()
Gets an int representing the current action(s) supported by this DropTarget.
the current default actions


public void setActive(boolean isActive)
Sets the DropTarget active if true, inactive if false.
isActive - sets the DropTarget (in)active.


public boolean isActive()
Reports whether or not this DropTarget is currently active (ready to accept drops).
true if active, false if not


public void addDropTargetListener(DropTargetListener dtl) throws TooManyListenersException
Adds a new DropTargetListener (UNICAST SOURCE).
dtl - The new DropTargetListener
TooManyListenersException - if a DropTargetListener is already added to this DropTarget.


public void removeDropTargetListener(DropTargetListener dtl)
Removes the current DropTargetListener (UNICAST SOURCE).
dtl - the DropTargetListener to deregister.


public void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent dtde)
Calls dragEnter on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetDragEvent. Has no effect if this DropTarget is not active.
Specified by:
dragEnter in interface DropTargetListener
dtde - the DropTargetDragEvent
NullPointerException - if this DropTarget is active and dtde is null
See Also:


public void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent dtde)
Calls dragOver on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetDragEvent. Has no effect if this DropTarget is not active.
Specified by:
dragOver in interface DropTargetListener
dtde - the DropTargetDragEvent
NullPointerException - if this DropTarget is active and dtde is null
See Also:


public void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent dtde)
Calls dropActionChanged on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetDragEvent. Has no effect if this DropTarget is not active.
Specified by:
dropActionChanged in interface DropTargetListener
dtde - the DropTargetDragEvent
NullPointerException - if this DropTarget is active and dtde is null
See Also:


public void dragExit(DropTargetEvent dte)
Calls dragExit on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetEvent. Has no effect if this DropTarget is not active.

This method itself does not throw any exception for null parameter but for exceptions thrown by the respective method of the listener.

Specified by:
dragExit in interface DropTargetListener
dte - the DropTargetEvent
See Also:


public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent dtde)
Calls drop on the registered DropTargetListener and passes it the specified DropTargetDropEvent if this DropTarget is active.
Specified by:
drop in interface DropTargetListener
dtde - the DropTargetDropEvent
NullPointerException - if dtde is null and at least one of the following is true: this DropTarget is not active, or there is no a DropTargetListener registered.
See Also:


public FlavorMap getFlavorMap()
Gets the FlavorMap associated with this DropTarget. If no FlavorMap has been set for this DropTarget, it is associated with the default FlavorMap.
the FlavorMap for this DropTarget


public void setFlavorMap(FlavorMap fm)
Sets the FlavorMap associated with this DropTarget.
fm - the new FlavorMap, or null to associate the default FlavorMap with this DropTarget.


public void addNotify()
Notify the DropTarget that it has been associated with a Component This method is usually called from java.awt.Component.addNotify() of the Component associated with this DropTarget to notify the DropTarget that a ComponentPeer has been associated with that Component. Calling this method, other than to notify this DropTarget of the association of the ComponentPeer with the Component may result in a malfunction of the DnD system.


public void removeNotify()
Notify the DropTarget that it has been disassociated from a Component This method is usually called from java.awt.Component.removeNotify() of the Component associated with this DropTarget to notify the DropTarget that a ComponentPeer has been disassociated with that Component. Calling this method, other than to notify this DropTarget of the disassociation of the ComponentPeer from the Component may result in a malfunction of the DnD system.


public DropTargetContext getDropTargetContext()
Gets the DropTargetContext associated with this DropTarget.
the DropTargetContext associated with this DropTarget.


protected DropTargetContext createDropTargetContext()
Creates the DropTargetContext associated with this DropTarget. Subclasses may override this method to instantiate their own DropTargetContext subclass. This call is typically *only* called by the platform's DropTargetContextPeer as a drag operation encounters this DropTarget. Accessing the Context while no Drag is current has undefined results.
the DropTargetContext associated with this DropTarget


protected DropTarget.DropTargetAutoScroller createDropTargetAutoScroller(Component c, Point p)
create an embedded autoscroller
c - the Component
p - the Point
an embedded autoscroller


protected void initializeAutoscrolling(Point p)
initialize autoscrolling
p - the Point


protected void updateAutoscroll(Point dragCursorLocn)
update autoscrolling with current cursor location
dragCursorLocn - the Point


protected void clearAutoscroll()
clear autoscrolling

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