
/OpenJDK 21

Class IIOImage

public class IIOImage extends Object
A simple container class to aggregate an image, a set of thumbnail (preview) images, and an object representing metadata associated with the image.

The image data may take the form of either a RenderedImage, or a Raster. Reader methods that return an IIOImage will always return a BufferedImage using the RenderedImage reference. Writer methods that accept an IIOImage will always accept a RenderedImage, and may optionally accept a Raster.

Exactly one of getRenderedImage and getRaster will return a non-null value. Subclasses are responsible for ensuring this behavior.

See Also:

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
protected RenderedImage image
The RenderedImage being referenced.
protected IIOMetadata metadata
An IIOMetadata object containing metadata associated with the image.
protected Raster raster
The Raster being referenced.
protected List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails
A List of BufferedImage thumbnails, or null.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
IIOImage(Raster raster, List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails, IIOMetadata metadata)
Constructs an IIOImage containing a Raster, and thumbnails and metadata associated with it.
IIOImage(RenderedImage image, List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails, IIOMetadata metadata)
Constructs an IIOImage containing a RenderedImage, and thumbnails and metadata associated with it.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
IIOMetadata getMetadata()
Returns a reference to the current IIOMetadata object, or null is none is set.
int getNumThumbnails()
Returns the number of thumbnails stored in this IIOImage.
Raster getRaster()
Returns the currently set Raster, or null if only a RenderedImage is available.
RenderedImage getRenderedImage()
Returns the currently set RenderedImage, or null if only a Raster is available.
BufferedImage getThumbnail(int index)
Returns a thumbnail associated with the main image.
List<? extends BufferedImage> getThumbnails()
Returns the current List of thumbnail BufferedImages, or null if none is set.
boolean hasRaster()
Returns true if this IIOImage stores a Raster rather than a RenderedImage.
void setMetadata(IIOMetadata metadata)
Sets the IIOMetadata to a new object, or null.
void setRaster(Raster raster)
Sets the current Raster.
void setRenderedImage(RenderedImage image)
Sets the current RenderedImage.
void setThumbnails(List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails)
Sets the list of thumbnails to a new List of BufferedImages, or to null.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


protected RenderedImage image
The RenderedImage being referenced.


protected Raster raster
The Raster being referenced.


protected List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails
A List of BufferedImage thumbnails, or null. Non-BufferedImage objects must not be stored in this List.


protected IIOMetadata metadata
An IIOMetadata object containing metadata associated with the image.

Constructor Details


public IIOImage(RenderedImage image, List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails, IIOMetadata metadata)
Constructs an IIOImage containing a RenderedImage, and thumbnails and metadata associated with it.

All parameters are stored by reference.

The thumbnails argument must either be null or contain only BufferedImage objects.

image - a RenderedImage.
thumbnails - a List of BufferedImages, or null.
metadata - an IIOMetadata object, or null.
IllegalArgumentException - if image is null.


public IIOImage(Raster raster, List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails, IIOMetadata metadata)
Constructs an IIOImage containing a Raster, and thumbnails and metadata associated with it.

All parameters are stored by reference.

raster - a Raster.
thumbnails - a List of BufferedImages, or null.
metadata - an IIOMetadata object, or null.
IllegalArgumentException - if raster is null.

Method Details


public RenderedImage getRenderedImage()
Returns the currently set RenderedImage, or null if only a Raster is available.
a RenderedImage, or null.
See Also:


public void setRenderedImage(RenderedImage image)
Sets the current RenderedImage. The value is stored by reference. Any existing Raster is discarded.
image - a RenderedImage.
IllegalArgumentException - if image is null.
See Also:


public boolean hasRaster()
Returns true if this IIOImage stores a Raster rather than a RenderedImage.
true if a Raster is available.


public Raster getRaster()
Returns the currently set Raster, or null if only a RenderedImage is available.
a Raster, or null.
See Also:


public void setRaster(Raster raster)
Sets the current Raster. The value is stored by reference. Any existing RenderedImage is discarded.
raster - a Raster.
IllegalArgumentException - if raster is null.
See Also:


public int getNumThumbnails()
Returns the number of thumbnails stored in this IIOImage.
the number of thumbnails, as an int.


public BufferedImage getThumbnail(int index)
Returns a thumbnail associated with the main image.
index - the index of the desired thumbnail image.
a thumbnail image, as a BufferedImage.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the supplied index is negative or larger than the largest valid index.
ClassCastException - if a non-BufferedImage object is encountered in the list of thumbnails at the given index.
See Also:


public List<? extends BufferedImage> getThumbnails()
Returns the current List of thumbnail BufferedImages, or null if none is set. A live reference is returned.
the current List of BufferedImage thumbnails, or null.
See Also:


public void setThumbnails(List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails)
Sets the list of thumbnails to a new List of BufferedImages, or to null. The reference to the previous List is discarded.

The thumbnails argument must either be null or contain only BufferedImage objects.

thumbnails - a List of BufferedImage thumbnails, or null.
See Also:


public IIOMetadata getMetadata()
Returns a reference to the current IIOMetadata object, or null is none is set.
an IIOMetadata object, or null.
See Also:


public void setMetadata(IIOMetadata metadata)
Sets the IIOMetadata to a new object, or null.
metadata - an IIOMetadata object, or null.
See Also:

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