
/OpenJDK 21

Class ImageTranscoderSpi

All Implemented Interfaces:
public abstract class ImageTranscoderSpi extends IIOServiceProvider
The service provider interface (SPI) for ImageTranscoders. For more information on service provider classes, see the class comment for the IIORegistry class.
See Also:

Field Summary

Fields declared in class javax.imageio.spi.IIOServiceProvider

vendorName, version

Constructor Summary

ImageTranscoderSpi(String vendorName, String version)
Modifier Constructor Description
Constructs a blank ImageTranscoderSpi.
Constructs an ImageTranscoderSpi with a given set of values.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
abstract ImageTranscoder createTranscoderInstance()
Returns an instance of the ImageTranscoder implementation associated with this service provider.
abstract String getReaderServiceProviderName()
Returns the fully qualified class name of an ImageReaderSpi class that generates IIOMetadata objects that may be used as input to this transcoder.
abstract String getWriterServiceProviderName()
Returns the fully qualified class name of an ImageWriterSpi class that generates IIOMetadata objects that may be used as input to this transcoder.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


protected ImageTranscoderSpi()
Constructs a blank ImageTranscoderSpi. It is up to the subclass to initialize instance variables and/or override method implementations in order to provide working versions of all methods.


public ImageTranscoderSpi(String vendorName, String version)
Constructs an ImageTranscoderSpi with a given set of values.
vendorName - the vendor name.
version - a version identifier.

Method Details


public abstract String getReaderServiceProviderName()
Returns the fully qualified class name of an ImageReaderSpi class that generates IIOMetadata objects that may be used as input to this transcoder.
a String containing the fully-qualified class name of the ImageReaderSpi implementation class.
See Also:


public abstract String getWriterServiceProviderName()
Returns the fully qualified class name of an ImageWriterSpi class that generates IIOMetadata objects that may be used as input to this transcoder.
a String containing the fully-qualified class name of the ImageWriterSpi implementation class.
See Also:


public abstract ImageTranscoder createTranscoderInstance()
Returns an instance of the ImageTranscoder implementation associated with this service provider.
an ImageTranscoder instance.

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