
/OpenJDK 21

Class PrintJobAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
public abstract class PrintJobAdapter extends Object implements PrintJobListener
An abstract adapter class for receiving print job events. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as a convenience for creating listener objects. Extend this class to create a PrintJobEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest. Unlike the ComponentListener interface, this abstract interface provides empty methods so that you only need to define the methods you need, rather than all of the methods.

Constructor Summary

Modifier Constructor Description
Constructor for subclasses to call.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void printDataTransferCompleted(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that data has been successfully transferred to the print service, and the client may free local resources allocated for that data.
void printJobCanceled(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that the job was canceled by user or program.
void printJobCompleted(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that the job completed successfully.
void printJobFailed(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that the job failed to complete successfully and will have to be resubmitted.
void printJobNoMoreEvents(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that no more events will be delivered.
void printJobRequiresAttention(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that some possibly user rectifiable problem occurs (eg printer out of paper).

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


protected PrintJobAdapter()
Constructor for subclasses to call.

Method Details


public void printDataTransferCompleted(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that data has been successfully transferred to the print service, and the client may free local resources allocated for that data. The client should not assume that the data has been completely printed after receiving this event.
Specified by:
printDataTransferCompleted in interface PrintJobListener
pje - the event being notified


public void printJobCompleted(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that the job completed successfully.
Specified by:
printJobCompleted in interface PrintJobListener
pje - the event being notified


public void printJobFailed(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that the job failed to complete successfully and will have to be resubmitted.
Specified by:
printJobFailed in interface PrintJobListener
pje - the event being notified


public void printJobCanceled(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that the job was canceled by user or program.
Specified by:
printJobCanceled in interface PrintJobListener
pje - the event being notified


public void printJobNoMoreEvents(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that no more events will be delivered. One cause of this event being generated is if the job has successfully completed, but the printing system is limited in capability and cannot verify this. This event is required to be delivered if none of the other terminal events (completed/failed/canceled) are delivered.
Specified by:
printJobNoMoreEvents in interface PrintJobListener
pje - the event being notified


public void printJobRequiresAttention(PrintJobEvent pje)
Called to notify the client that some possibly user rectifiable problem occurs (eg printer out of paper).
Specified by:
printJobRequiresAttention in interface PrintJobListener
pje - the event being notified

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
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