
/OpenJDK 21

Interface SwingConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractButton, AsyncBoxView, BasicArrowButton, BasicComboBoxRenderer, BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource, BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener, BasicScrollBarUI, BasicTabbedPaneUI, BasicToolBarUI, BlockView, BoxView, ComponentView, CompositeView, DefaultListCellRenderer, DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource, DefaultTableCellRenderer, DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource, DefaultTreeCellEditor.DefaultTextField, DefaultTreeCellRenderer, FieldView, FlowView, FormView, GlyphView, IconView, ImageView, InlineView, JButton, JCheckBox, JCheckBoxMenuItem, JFormattedTextField, JLabel, JMenu, JMenuItem, JPasswordField, JPopupMenu.Separator, JProgressBar, JRadioButton, JRadioButtonMenuItem, JSeparator, JSlider, JTabbedPane, JTextField, JToggleButton, JToolBar, JToolBar.Separator, LabelView, ListView, MetalBorders.ToolBarBorder, MetalComboBoxButton, MetalFileChooserUI.FileRenderer, MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxRenderer, MetalScrollBarUI, MetalScrollButton, MetalTabbedPaneUI, MetalToolBarUI, ObjectView, ParagraphView, ParagraphView, PasswordView, PlainView, SwingUtilities, SynthScrollBarUI, SynthTabbedPaneUI, SynthToolBarUI, TableView, TableView.TableCell, TableView.TableRow, View, WrappedPlainView, ZoneView
public interface SwingConstants
A collection of constants generally used for positioning and orienting components on the screen.

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final int BOTTOM
Box-orientation constant used to specify the bottom of a box.
static final int CENTER
The central position in an area.
static final int EAST
Compass-direction east (right).
static final int HORIZONTAL
Horizontal orientation.
static final int LEADING
Identifies the leading edge of text for use with left-to-right and right-to-left languages.
static final int LEFT
Box-orientation constant used to specify the left side of a box.
static final int NEXT
Identifies the next direction in a sequence.
static final int NORTH
Compass-direction North (up).
static final int NORTH_EAST
Compass-direction north-east (upper right).
static final int NORTH_WEST
Compass-direction north west (upper left).
static final int PREVIOUS
Identifies the previous direction in a sequence.
static final int RIGHT
Box-orientation constant used to specify the right side of a box.
static final int SOUTH
Compass-direction south (down).
static final int SOUTH_EAST
Compass-direction south-east (lower right).
static final int SOUTH_WEST
Compass-direction south-west (lower left).
static final int TOP
Box-orientation constant used to specify the top of a box.
static final int TRAILING
Identifies the trailing edge of text for use with left-to-right and right-to-left languages.
static final int VERTICAL
Vertical orientation.
static final int WEST
Compass-direction west (left).

Field Details


static final int CENTER
The central position in an area. Used for both compass-direction constants (NORTH, etc.) and box-orientation constants (TOP, etc.).
See Also:


static final int TOP
Box-orientation constant used to specify the top of a box.
See Also:


static final int LEFT
Box-orientation constant used to specify the left side of a box.
See Also:


static final int BOTTOM
Box-orientation constant used to specify the bottom of a box.
See Also:


static final int NORTH
Compass-direction North (up).
See Also:


static final int NORTH_EAST
Compass-direction north-east (upper right).
See Also:


static final int EAST
Compass-direction east (right).
See Also:


static final int SOUTH_EAST
Compass-direction south-east (lower right).
See Also:


static final int SOUTH
Compass-direction south (down).
See Also:


static final int SOUTH_WEST
Compass-direction south-west (lower left).
See Also:


static final int WEST
Compass-direction west (left).
See Also:


static final int NORTH_WEST
Compass-direction north west (upper left).
See Also:


static final int HORIZONTAL
Horizontal orientation. Used for scrollbars and sliders.
See Also:


static final int VERTICAL
Vertical orientation. Used for scrollbars and sliders.
See Also:


static final int LEADING
Identifies the leading edge of text for use with left-to-right and right-to-left languages. Used by buttons and labels.
See Also:


static final int TRAILING
Identifies the trailing edge of text for use with left-to-right and right-to-left languages. Used by buttons and labels.
See Also:


static final int NEXT
Identifies the next direction in a sequence.
See Also:


static final int PREVIOUS
Identifies the previous direction in a sequence.
See Also:

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