
/OpenJDK 21

Class HTMLDocument.Iterator

Enclosing class:
public abstract static class HTMLDocument.Iterator extends Object
An iterator to iterate over a particular type of tag. The iterator is not thread safe. If reliable access to the document is not already ensured by the context under which the iterator is being used, its use should be performed under the protection of Document.render.

Constructor Summary

Modifier Constructor Description
Constructor for subclasses to call.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
abstract AttributeSet getAttributes()
Return the attributes for this tag.
abstract int getEndOffset()
Returns the end of the range for which the current occurrence of the tag is defined and has the same attributes.
abstract int getStartOffset()
Returns the start of the range for which the current occurrence of the tag is defined and has the same attributes.
abstract HTML.Tag getTag()
Type of tag this iterator represents.
abstract boolean isValid()
Indicates if the iterator is currently representing an occurrence of a tag.
abstract void next()
Move the iterator forward to the next occurrence of the tag it represents.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


protected Iterator()
Constructor for subclasses to call.

Method Details


public abstract AttributeSet getAttributes()
Return the attributes for this tag.
the AttributeSet for this tag, or null if none can be found


public abstract int getStartOffset()
Returns the start of the range for which the current occurrence of the tag is defined and has the same attributes.
the start of the range, or -1 if it can't be found


public abstract int getEndOffset()
Returns the end of the range for which the current occurrence of the tag is defined and has the same attributes.
the end of the range


public abstract void next()
Move the iterator forward to the next occurrence of the tag it represents.


public abstract boolean isValid()
Indicates if the iterator is currently representing an occurrence of a tag. If false there are no more tags for this iterator.
true if the iterator is currently representing an occurrence of a tag, otherwise returns false


public abstract HTML.Tag getTag()
Type of tag this iterator represents.
the tag

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