
/OpenJDK 21

Interface DTDConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:
AttributeList, DocumentParser, DTD, Element, Entity, Parser
public interface DTDConstants
SGML constants used in a DTD. The names of the constants correspond to the equivalent SGML constructs as described in "The SGML Handbook" by Charles F. Goldfarb.
See Also:

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final int ANY
The DTD constant corresponds to ANY
static final int CDATA
The DTD constant corresponds to CDATA
static final int CONREF
The DTD constant corresponds to CONREF
static final int CURRENT
The DTD constant corresponds to CURRENT
static final int DEFAULT
The DTD constant corresponds to DEFAULT
static final int EMPTY
The DTD constant corresponds to EMPTY
static final int ENDTAG
The DTD constant corresponds to ENDTAG
static final int ENTITIES
The DTD constant corresponds to ENTITIES
static final int ENTITY
The DTD constant corresponds to ENTITY
static final int FIXED
The DTD constant corresponds to FIXED
static final int GENERAL
The DTD constant corresponds to GENERAL
static final int ID
The DTD constant corresponds to ID
static final int IDREF
The DTD constant corresponds to IDREF
static final int IDREFS
The DTD constant corresponds to IDREFS
static final int IMPLIED
The DTD constant corresponds to IMPLIED
static final int MD
The DTD constant corresponds to MD
static final int MODEL
The DTD constant corresponds to MODEL
static final int MS
The DTD constant corresponds to MS
static final int NAME
The DTD constant corresponds to NAME
static final int NAMES
The DTD constant corresponds to NAMES
static final int NMTOKEN
The DTD constant corresponds to NMTOKEN
static final int NMTOKENS
The DTD constant corresponds to NMTOKENS
static final int NOTATION
The DTD constant corresponds to NOTATION
static final int NUMBER
The DTD constant corresponds to NUMBER
static final int NUMBERS
The DTD constant corresponds to NUMBERS
static final int NUTOKEN
The DTD constant corresponds to NUTOKEN
static final int NUTOKENS
The DTD constant corresponds to NUTOKENS
static final int PARAMETER
The DTD constant corresponds to PARAMETER
static final int PI
The DTD constant corresponds to PI
static final int PUBLIC
The DTD constant corresponds to PUBLIC
static final int RCDATA
The DTD constant corresponds to RCDATA
static final int REQUIRED
The DTD constant corresponds to REQUIRED
static final int SDATA
The DTD constant corresponds to SDATA
static final int STARTTAG
The DTD constant corresponds to STARTTAG
static final int SYSTEM
The DTD constant corresponds to SYSTEM

Field Details


static final int CDATA
The DTD constant corresponds to CDATA
See Also:


static final int ENTITY
The DTD constant corresponds to ENTITY
See Also:


static final int ENTITIES
The DTD constant corresponds to ENTITIES
See Also:


static final int ID
The DTD constant corresponds to ID
See Also:


static final int IDREF
The DTD constant corresponds to IDREF
See Also:


static final int IDREFS
The DTD constant corresponds to IDREFS
See Also:


static final int NAME
The DTD constant corresponds to NAME
See Also:


static final int NAMES
The DTD constant corresponds to NAMES
See Also:


static final int NMTOKEN
The DTD constant corresponds to NMTOKEN
See Also:


static final int NMTOKENS
The DTD constant corresponds to NMTOKENS
See Also:


static final int NOTATION
The DTD constant corresponds to NOTATION
See Also:


static final int NUMBER
The DTD constant corresponds to NUMBER
See Also:


static final int NUMBERS
The DTD constant corresponds to NUMBERS
See Also:


static final int NUTOKEN
The DTD constant corresponds to NUTOKEN
See Also:


static final int NUTOKENS
The DTD constant corresponds to NUTOKENS
See Also:


static final int RCDATA
The DTD constant corresponds to RCDATA
See Also:


static final int EMPTY
The DTD constant corresponds to EMPTY
See Also:


static final int MODEL
The DTD constant corresponds to MODEL
See Also:


static final int ANY
The DTD constant corresponds to ANY
See Also:


static final int FIXED
The DTD constant corresponds to FIXED
See Also:


static final int REQUIRED
The DTD constant corresponds to REQUIRED
See Also:


static final int CURRENT
The DTD constant corresponds to CURRENT
See Also:


static final int CONREF
The DTD constant corresponds to CONREF
See Also:


static final int IMPLIED
The DTD constant corresponds to IMPLIED
See Also:


static final int PUBLIC
The DTD constant corresponds to PUBLIC
See Also:


static final int SDATA
The DTD constant corresponds to SDATA
See Also:


static final int PI
The DTD constant corresponds to PI
See Also:


static final int STARTTAG
The DTD constant corresponds to STARTTAG
See Also:


static final int ENDTAG
The DTD constant corresponds to ENDTAG
See Also:


static final int MS
The DTD constant corresponds to MS
See Also:


static final int MD
The DTD constant corresponds to MD
See Also:


static final int SYSTEM
The DTD constant corresponds to SYSTEM
See Also:


static final int GENERAL
The DTD constant corresponds to GENERAL
See Also:


static final int DEFAULT
The DTD constant corresponds to DEFAULT
See Also:


static final int PARAMETER
The DTD constant corresponds to PARAMETER
See Also:

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