
/OpenJDK 21

Class ModelMBeanOperationInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, DescriptorAccess, DescriptorRead
public class ModelMBeanOperationInfo extends MBeanOperationInfo implements DescriptorAccess

The ModelMBeanOperationInfo object describes a management operation of the ModelMBean. It is a subclass of MBeanOperationInfo with the addition of an associated Descriptor and an implementation of the DescriptorAccess interface.

The fields in the descriptor are defined, but not limited to, the following. Note that when the Type in this table is Number, a String that is the decimal representation of a Long can also be used.

ModelMBeanOperationInfo Fields
Name Type Meaning
name String Operation name.
descriptorType String Must be "operation".
class String Class where method is defined (fully qualified).
role String Must be "operation", "getter", or "setter".
targetObject Object Object on which to execute this method.
targetType String type of object reference for targetObject. Can be: ObjectReference | Handle | EJBHandle | IOR | RMIReference.
value Object Cached value for operation.
displayName String Human readable display name of the operation.
currencyTimeLimit Number How long cached value is valid.
lastUpdatedTimeStamp Number When cached value was set.
visibility Number 1-4 where 1: always visible 4: rarely visible.
presentationString String XML formatted string to describe how to present operation

The default descriptor will have name, descriptorType, displayName and role fields set. The default value of the name and displayName fields is the operation name.

Note: because of inconsistencies in previous versions of this specification, it is recommended not to use negative or zero values for currencyTimeLimit. To indicate that a cached value is never valid, omit the currencyTimeLimit field. To indicate that it is always valid, use a very large number for this field.

The serialVersionUID of this class is 6532732096650090465L.

See Also:

Field Summary

Fields declared in class javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo


Fields declared in class javax.management.MBeanFeatureInfo

description, name

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
ModelMBeanOperationInfo(String description, Method operationMethod)
Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object with a default descriptor.
ModelMBeanOperationInfo(String description, Method operationMethod, Descriptor descriptor)
Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object.
ModelMBeanOperationInfo(String name, String description, MBeanParameterInfo[] signature, String type, int impact)
Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object with a default descriptor.
ModelMBeanOperationInfo(String name, String description, MBeanParameterInfo[] signature, String type, int impact, Descriptor descriptor)
Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object.
ModelMBeanOperationInfo(ModelMBeanOperationInfo inInfo)
Constructs a new ModelMBeanOperationInfo object from this ModelMBeanOperation Object.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Object clone()
Creates and returns a new ModelMBeanOperationInfo which is a duplicate of this ModelMBeanOperationInfo.
Descriptor getDescriptor()
Returns a copy of the associated Descriptor of the ModelMBeanOperationInfo.
void setDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor)
Sets associated Descriptor (full replace) for the ModelMBeanOperationInfo If the new Descriptor is null, then the associated Descriptor reverts to a default descriptor.
String toString()
Returns a string containing the entire contents of the ModelMBeanOperationInfo in human readable form.

Methods declared in class javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo

equals, getImpact, getReturnType, getSignature

Methods declared in class javax.management.MBeanFeatureInfo

getDescription, getName

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public ModelMBeanOperationInfo(String description, Method operationMethod)
Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object with a default descriptor. The Descriptor of the constructed object will include fields contributed by any annotations on the Method object that contain the DescriptorKey meta-annotation.
description - A human readable description of the operation.
operationMethod - The java.lang.reflect.Method object describing the MBean operation.


public ModelMBeanOperationInfo(String description, Method operationMethod, Descriptor descriptor)
Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object. The Descriptor of the constructed object will include fields contributed by any annotations on the Method object that contain the DescriptorKey meta-annotation.
description - A human readable description of the operation.
operationMethod - The java.lang.reflect.Method object describing the MBean operation.
descriptor - An instance of Descriptor containing the appropriate metadata for this instance of the ModelMBeanOperationInfo. If it is null a default descriptor will be created. If the descriptor does not contain the fields "displayName" or "role", the missing ones are added with their default values.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException. The descriptor is invalid; or descriptor field "name" is not equal to operation name; or descriptor field "DescriptorType" is not equal to "operation"; or descriptor optional field "role" is present but not equal to "operation", "getter", or "setter".


public ModelMBeanOperationInfo(String name, String description, MBeanParameterInfo[] signature, String type, int impact)
Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object with a default descriptor.
name - The name of the method.
description - A human readable description of the operation.
signature - MBeanParameterInfo objects describing the parameters(arguments) of the method.
type - The type of the method's return value.
impact - The impact of the method, one of INFO, ACTION, ACTION_INFO, UNKNOWN.


public ModelMBeanOperationInfo(String name, String description, MBeanParameterInfo[] signature, String type, int impact, Descriptor descriptor)
Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object.
name - The name of the method.
description - A human readable description of the operation.
signature - MBeanParameterInfo objects describing the parameters(arguments) of the method.
type - The type of the method's return value.
impact - The impact of the method, one of INFO, ACTION, ACTION_INFO, UNKNOWN.
descriptor - An instance of Descriptor containing the appropriate metadata for this instance of the MBeanOperationInfo. If it is null then a default descriptor will be created. If the descriptor does not contain fields "displayName" or "role", the missing ones are added with their default values.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException. The descriptor is invalid; or descriptor field "name" is not equal to operation name; or descriptor field "DescriptorType" is not equal to "operation"; or descriptor optional field "role" is present but not equal to "operation", "getter", or "setter".


public ModelMBeanOperationInfo(ModelMBeanOperationInfo inInfo)
Constructs a new ModelMBeanOperationInfo object from this ModelMBeanOperation Object.
inInfo - the ModelMBeanOperationInfo to be duplicated

Method Details


public Object clone()
Creates and returns a new ModelMBeanOperationInfo which is a duplicate of this ModelMBeanOperationInfo.
clone in class MBeanOperationInfo
a clone of this instance.
See Also:


public Descriptor getDescriptor()
Returns a copy of the associated Descriptor of the ModelMBeanOperationInfo.
Specified by:
getDescriptor in interface DescriptorRead
getDescriptor in class MBeanFeatureInfo
Descriptor associated with the ModelMBeanOperationInfo object.
See Also:


public void setDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor)
Sets associated Descriptor (full replace) for the ModelMBeanOperationInfo If the new Descriptor is null, then the associated Descriptor reverts to a default descriptor. The Descriptor is validated before it is assigned. If the new Descriptor is invalid, then a RuntimeOperationsException wrapping an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Specified by:
setDescriptor in interface DescriptorAccess
inDescriptor - replaces the Descriptor associated with the ModelMBeanOperation.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException for invalid Descriptor.
See Also:


public String toString()
Returns a string containing the entire contents of the ModelMBeanOperationInfo in human readable form.
toString in class Object
a string representation of the object.

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