
/OpenJDK 21

Class OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, DescriptorRead, OpenMBeanOperationInfo
public class OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport extends MBeanOperationInfo implements OpenMBeanOperationInfo
Describes an operation of an Open MBean.
See Also:

Field Summary

Fields declared in class javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo


Fields declared in class javax.management.MBeanFeatureInfo

description, name

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenMBeanParameterInfo[] signature, OpenType<?> returnOpenType, int impact)
Constructs an OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance, which describes the operation of a class of open MBeans, with the specified name, description, signature, returnOpenType and impact.
OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenMBeanParameterInfo[] signature, OpenType<?> returnOpenType, int impact, Descriptor descriptor)
Constructs an OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance, which describes the operation of a class of open MBeans, with the specified name, description, signature, returnOpenType, impact, and descriptor.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the specified obj parameter with this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance for equality.
OpenType<?> getReturnOpenType()
Returns the open type of the values returned by the operation described by this OpenMBeanOperationInfo instance.
int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance.
String toString()
Returns a string representation of this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance.

Methods declared in class javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo

clone, getImpact, getReturnType, getSignature

Methods declared in class javax.management.MBeanFeatureInfo

getDescription, getDescriptor, getName

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Methods declared in interface javax.management.openmbean.OpenMBeanOperationInfo

getDescription, getImpact, getName, getReturnType, getSignature

Constructor Details


public OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenMBeanParameterInfo[] signature, OpenType<?> returnOpenType, int impact)

Constructs an OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance, which describes the operation of a class of open MBeans, with the specified name, description, signature, returnOpenType and impact.

The signature array parameter is internally copied, so that subsequent changes to the array referenced by signature have no effect on this instance.

name - cannot be a null or empty string.
description - cannot be a null or empty string.
signature - can be null or empty if there are no parameters to describe.
returnOpenType - cannot be null: use SimpleType.VOID for operations that return nothing.
impact - must be one of ACTION, ACTION_INFO, INFO, or UNKNOWN.
IllegalArgumentException - if name or description are null or empty string, or returnOpenType is null, or impact is not one of ACTION, ACTION_INFO, INFO, or UNKNOWN.
ArrayStoreException - If signature is not an array of instances of a subclass of MBeanParameterInfo.


public OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenMBeanParameterInfo[] signature, OpenType<?> returnOpenType, int impact, Descriptor descriptor)

Constructs an OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance, which describes the operation of a class of open MBeans, with the specified name, description, signature, returnOpenType, impact, and descriptor.

The signature array parameter is internally copied, so that subsequent changes to the array referenced by signature have no effect on this instance.

name - cannot be a null or empty string.
description - cannot be a null or empty string.
signature - can be null or empty if there are no parameters to describe.
returnOpenType - cannot be null: use SimpleType.VOID for operations that return nothing.
impact - must be one of ACTION, ACTION_INFO, INFO, or UNKNOWN.
descriptor - The descriptor for the operation. This may be null, which is equivalent to an empty descriptor.
IllegalArgumentException - if name or description are null or empty string, or returnOpenType is null, or impact is not one of ACTION, ACTION_INFO, INFO, or UNKNOWN.
ArrayStoreException - If signature is not an array of instances of a subclass of MBeanParameterInfo.

Method Details


public OpenType<?> getReturnOpenType()
Returns the open type of the values returned by the operation described by this OpenMBeanOperationInfo instance.
Specified by:
getReturnOpenType in interface OpenMBeanOperationInfo
the return type.


public boolean equals(Object obj)

Compares the specified obj parameter with this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance for equality.

Returns true if and only if all of the following statements are true:

  • obj is non null,
  • obj also implements the OpenMBeanOperationInfo interface,
  • their names are equal
  • their signatures are equal
  • their return open types are equal
  • their impacts are equal
This ensures that this equals method works properly for obj parameters which are different implementations of the OpenMBeanOperationInfo interface.
Specified by:
equals in interface OpenMBeanOperationInfo
equals in class MBeanOperationInfo
obj - the object to be compared for equality with this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance;
true if the specified object is equal to this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance.
See Also:


public int hashCode()

Returns the hash code value for this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance.

The hash code of an OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance is the sum of the hash codes of all elements of information used in equals comparisons (ie: its name, return open type, impact and signature, where the signature hashCode is calculated by a call to java.util.Arrays.asList(this.getSignature).hashCode()).

This ensures that t1.equals(t2) implies that t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode() for any two OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instances t1 and t2, as required by the general contract of the method Object.hashCode().

However, note that another instance of a class implementing the OpenMBeanOperationInfo interface may be equal to this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance as defined by equals(java.lang.Object), but may have a different hash code if it is calculated differently.

As OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instances are immutable, the hash code for this instance is calculated once, on the first call to hashCode, and then the same value is returned for subsequent calls.

Specified by:
hashCode in interface OpenMBeanOperationInfo
hashCode in class Object
the hash code value for this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance
See Also:


public String toString()

Returns a string representation of this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance.

The string representation consists of the name of this class (ie javax.management.openmbean.OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport), and the name, signature, return open type and impact of the described operation and the string representation of its descriptor.

As OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instances are immutable, the string representation for this instance is calculated once, on the first call to toString, and then the same value is returned for subsequent calls.

Specified by:
toString in interface OpenMBeanOperationInfo
toString in class Object
a string representation of this OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport instance

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