
/OpenJDK 21

Class RelationTypeSupport

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, RelationType
public class RelationTypeSupport extends Object implements RelationType
A RelationTypeSupport object implements the RelationType interface.

It represents a relation type, providing role information for each role expected to be supported in every relation of that type.

A relation type includes a relation type name and a list of role infos (represented by RoleInfo objects).

A relation type has to be declared in the Relation Service:

- either using the createRelationType() method, where a RelationTypeSupport object will be created and kept in the Relation Service

- either using the addRelationType() method where the user has to create an object implementing the RelationType interface, and this object will be used as representing a relation type in the Relation Service.

The serialVersionUID of this class is 4611072955724144607L.

See Also:

Constructor Summary

RelationTypeSupport(String relationTypeName)
RelationTypeSupport(String relationTypeName, RoleInfo[] roleInfoArray)
Modifier Constructor Description
Constructor to be used for subclasses.
Constructor where all role definitions are dynamically created and passed as parameter.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
protected void addRoleInfo(RoleInfo roleInfo)
Add a role info.
String getRelationTypeName()
Returns the relation type name.
RoleInfo getRoleInfo(String roleInfoName)
Returns the role info (RoleInfo object) for the given role info name (null if not found).
List<RoleInfo> getRoleInfos()
Returns the list of role definitions (ArrayList of RoleInfo objects).

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public RelationTypeSupport(String relationTypeName, RoleInfo[] roleInfoArray) throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidRelationTypeException
Constructor where all role definitions are dynamically created and passed as parameter.
relationTypeName - Name of relation type
roleInfoArray - List of role definitions (RoleInfo objects)
IllegalArgumentException - if null parameter
InvalidRelationTypeException - if:

- the same name has been used for two different roles

- no role info provided

- one null role info provided


protected RelationTypeSupport(String relationTypeName)
Constructor to be used for subclasses.
relationTypeName - Name of relation type.
IllegalArgumentException - if null parameter.

Method Details


public String getRelationTypeName()
Returns the relation type name.
Specified by:
getRelationTypeName in interface RelationType
the relation type name.


public List<RoleInfo> getRoleInfos()
Returns the list of role definitions (ArrayList of RoleInfo objects).
Specified by:
getRoleInfos in interface RelationType
an ArrayList of RoleInfo.


public RoleInfo getRoleInfo(String roleInfoName) throws IllegalArgumentException, RoleInfoNotFoundException
Returns the role info (RoleInfo object) for the given role info name (null if not found).
Specified by:
getRoleInfo in interface RelationType
roleInfoName - role info name
RoleInfo object providing role definition does not exist
IllegalArgumentException - if null parameter
RoleInfoNotFoundException - if no role info with that name in relation type.


protected void addRoleInfo(RoleInfo roleInfo) throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidRelationTypeException
Add a role info. This method of course should not be used after the creation of the relation type, because updating it would invalidate that the relations created associated to that type still conform to it. Can throw a RuntimeException if trying to update a relation type declared in the Relation Service.
roleInfo - role info to be added.
IllegalArgumentException - if null parameter.
InvalidRelationTypeException - if there is already a role info in current relation type with the same name.

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