
/OpenJDK 21

Interface HasControls

All Known Subinterfaces:
public interface HasControls
This interface is for returning controls with objects returned in NamingEnumerations. For example, suppose a server sends back controls with the results of a search operation, the service provider would return a NamingEnumeration of objects that are both SearchResult and implement HasControls.
   NamingEnumeration elts = ectx.search((Name)name, filter, sctls);
   while (elts.hasMore()) {
     Object entry = elts.next();

     // Get search result
     SearchResult res = (SearchResult)entry;
     // do something with it

     // Get entry controls
     if (entry instanceof HasControls) {
         Control[] entryCtls = ((HasControls)entry).getControls();
         // do something with controls

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Control[] getControls()
Retrieves an array of Controls from the object that implements this interface.

Method Details


Control[] getControls() throws NamingException
Retrieves an array of Controls from the object that implements this interface. It is null if there are no controls.
A possibly null array of Control objects.
NamingException - If cannot return controls due to an error.

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