
/OpenJDK 21

Class DelegationPermission

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Guard
public final class DelegationPermission extends BasicPermission implements Serializable
This class is used to restrict the usage of the Kerberos delegation model, ie: forwardable and proxiable tickets.

The target name of this Permission specifies a pair of kerberos service principals. The first is the subordinate service principal being entrusted to use the TGT. The second service principal designates the target service the subordinate service principal is to interact with on behalf of the initiating KerberosPrincipal. This latter service principal is specified to restrict the use of a proxiable ticket.

For example, to specify the "host" service use of a forwardable TGT the target permission is specified as follows:

  DelegationPermission("\"host/[email protected]\" \"krbtgt/[email protected]\"");

To give the "backup" service a proxiable nfs service ticket the target permission might be specified:

  DelegationPermission("\"backup/[email protected]\" \"nfs/[email protected]\"");
See Also:

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
DelegationPermission(String principals)
Create a new DelegationPermission with the specified subordinate and target principals.
DelegationPermission(String principals, String actions)
Create a new DelegationPermission with the specified subordinate and target principals.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean equals(Object obj)
Checks two DelegationPermission objects for equality.
int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this object.
boolean implies(Permission p)
Checks if this Kerberos delegation permission object "implies" the specified permission.
PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
Returns a PermissionCollection object for storing DelegationPermission objects.

Methods declared in class java.security.BasicPermission


Methods declared in class java.security.Permission

checkGuard, getName, toString

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public DelegationPermission(String principals)
Create a new DelegationPermission with the specified subordinate and target principals.
principals - the name of the subordinate and target principals
NullPointerException - if principals is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if principals is empty, or does not contain a pair of principals, or is improperly quoted


public DelegationPermission(String principals, String actions)
Create a new DelegationPermission with the specified subordinate and target principals.
principals - the name of the subordinate and target principals
actions - should be null.
NullPointerException - if principals is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if principals is empty, or does not contain a pair of principals, or is improperly quoted

Method Details


public boolean implies(Permission p)
Checks if this Kerberos delegation permission object "implies" the specified permission.

This method returns true if this DelegationPermission is equal to p, and returns false otherwise.

implies in class BasicPermission
p - the permission to check against.
true if the specified permission is implied by this object, false if not.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Checks two DelegationPermission objects for equality.
equals in class BasicPermission
obj - the object to test for equality with this object.
true if obj is a DelegationPermission, and has the same subordinate and service principal as this DelegationPermission object.
See Also:


public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode in class BasicPermission
a hash code value for this object.
See Also:


public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
Returns a PermissionCollection object for storing DelegationPermission objects.
DelegationPermission objects must be stored in a manner that allows them to be inserted into the collection in any order, but that also enables the PermissionCollection implies method to be implemented in an efficient (and consistent) manner.
newPermissionCollection in class BasicPermission
a new PermissionCollection object suitable for storing DelegationPermissions.

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