
/OpenJDK 21

Class SQLOutputImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class SQLOutputImpl extends Object implements SQLOutput
The output stream for writing the attributes of a custom-mapped user-defined type (UDT) back to the database. The driver uses this interface internally, and its methods are never directly invoked by an application programmer.

When an application calls the method PreparedStatement.setObject, the driver checks to see whether the value to be written is a UDT with a custom mapping. If it is, there will be an entry in a type map containing the Class object for the class that implements SQLData for this UDT. If the value to be written is an instance of SQLData, the driver will create an instance of SQLOutputImpl and pass it to the method SQLData.writeSQL. The method writeSQL in turn calls the appropriate SQLOutputImpl.writeXXX methods to write data from the SQLData object to the SQLOutputImpl output stream as the representation of an SQL user-defined type.


Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
SQLOutputImpl(Vector<?> attributes, Map<String,?> map)
Creates a new SQLOutputImpl object initialized with the given vector of attributes and type map.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void writeArray(Array x)
Writes an Array object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeAsciiStream(InputStream x)
Writes a stream of ASCII characters to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeBigDecimal(BigDecimal x)
Writes a java.math.BigDecimal object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeBinaryStream(InputStream x)
Writes a stream of uninterpreted bytes to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeBlob(Blob x)
Writes a Blob object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeBoolean(boolean x)
Writes a boolean in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeByte(byte x)
Writes a byte in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeBytes(byte[] x)
Writes an array of bytes in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeCharacterStream(Reader x)
Writes a stream of Unicode characters to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeClob(Clob x)
Writes a Clob object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeDate(Date x)
Writes a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeDouble(double x)
Writes a double in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeFloat(float x)
Writes a float in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeInt(int x)
Writes an int in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeLong(long x)
Writes a long in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeNClob(NClob x)
Writes an SQL NCLOB value to the stream.
void writeNString(String x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a String in the Java programming language.
void writeObject(SQLData x)
Writes to the stream the data contained in the given SQLData object.
void writeRef(Ref x)
Writes a Ref object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeRowId(RowId x)
Writes an SQL ROWID value to the stream.
void writeShort(short x)
Writes a short in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeSQLXML(SQLXML x)
Writes an SQL XML value to the stream.
void writeString(String x)
Writes a String in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeStruct(Struct x)
Writes a Struct object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeTime(Time x)
Writes a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeTimestamp(Timestamp x)
Writes a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.
void writeURL(URL url)
Writes an java.sql.Type.DATALINK object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Methods declared in interface java.sql.SQLOutput


Constructor Details


public SQLOutputImpl(Vector<?> attributes, Map<String,?> map) throws SQLException
Creates a new SQLOutputImpl object initialized with the given vector of attributes and type map. The driver will use the type map to determine which SQLData.writeSQL method to invoke. This method will then call the appropriate SQLOutputImpl writer methods in order and thereby write the attributes to the new output stream.
attributes - a Vector object containing the attributes of the UDT to be mapped to one or more objects in the Java programming language
map - a java.util.Map object containing zero or more entries, with each entry consisting of 1) a String giving the fully qualified name of a UDT and 2) the Class object for the SQLData implementation that defines how the UDT is to be mapped
SQLException - if the attributes or the map is a null value

Method Details


public void writeString(String x) throws SQLException
Writes a String in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL CHAR, VARCHAR, or LONGVARCHAR before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeString in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeBoolean(boolean x) throws SQLException
Writes a boolean in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL BIT before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeBoolean in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeByte(byte x) throws SQLException
Writes a byte in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL BIT before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeByte in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeShort(short x) throws SQLException
Writes a short in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL SMALLINT before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeShort in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeInt(int x) throws SQLException
Writes an int in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL INTEGER before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeInt in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeLong(long x) throws SQLException
Writes a long in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL BIGINT before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeLong in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeFloat(float x) throws SQLException
Writes a float in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL REAL before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeFloat in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeDouble(double x) throws SQLException
Writes a double in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL DOUBLE before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeDouble in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeBigDecimal(BigDecimal x) throws SQLException
Writes a java.math.BigDecimal object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL NUMERIC before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeBigDecimal in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeBytes(byte[] x) throws SQLException
Writes an array of bytes in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeBytes in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeDate(Date x) throws SQLException
Writes a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL DATE before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeDate in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeTime(Time x) throws SQLException
Writes a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL TIME before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeTime in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeTimestamp(Timestamp x) throws SQLException
Writes a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to an SQL TIMESTAMP before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeTimestamp in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeCharacterStream(Reader x) throws SQLException
Writes a stream of Unicode characters to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver will do any necessary conversion from Unicode to the database CHAR format.
Specified by:
writeCharacterStream in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeAsciiStream(InputStream x) throws SQLException
Writes a stream of ASCII characters to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver will do any necessary conversion from ASCII to the database CHAR format.
Specified by:
writeAsciiStream in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeBinaryStream(InputStream x) throws SQLException
Writes a stream of uninterpreted bytes to this SQLOutputImpl object.
Specified by:
writeBinaryStream in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeObject(SQLData x) throws SQLException
Writes to the stream the data contained in the given SQLData object. When the SQLData object is null, this method writes an SQL NULL to the stream. Otherwise, it calls the SQLData.writeSQL method of the given object, which writes the object's attributes to the stream.

The implementation of the method SQLData.writeSQ calls the appropriate SQLOutputImpl.writeXXX method(s) for writing each of the object's attributes in order. The attributes must be read from an SQLInput input stream and written to an SQLOutputImpl output stream in the same order in which they were listed in the SQL definition of the user-defined type.

Specified by:
writeObject in interface SQLOutput
x - the object representing data of an SQL structured or distinct type
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeRef(Ref x) throws SQLException
Writes a Ref object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to a serializable SerialRef SQL REF value before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeRef in interface SQLOutput
x - an object representing an SQL REF value
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeBlob(Blob x) throws SQLException
Writes a Blob object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to a serializable SerialBlob SQL BLOB value before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeBlob in interface SQLOutput
x - an object representing an SQL BLOB value
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeClob(Clob x) throws SQLException
Writes a Clob object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts it to a serializable SerialClob SQL CLOB value before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeClob in interface SQLOutput
x - an object representing an SQL CLOB value
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeStruct(Struct x) throws SQLException
Writes a Struct object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts this value to an SQL structured type before returning it to the database.

This method should be used when an SQL structured type has been mapped to a Struct object in the Java programming language (the standard mapping). The method writeObject should be used if an SQL structured type has been custom mapped to a class in the Java programming language.

Specified by:
writeStruct in interface SQLOutput
x - an object representing the attributes of an SQL structured type
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeArray(Array x) throws SQLException
Writes an Array object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts this value to a serializable SerialArray SQL ARRAY value before returning it to the database.
Specified by:
writeArray in interface SQLOutput
x - an object representing an SQL ARRAY value
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeURL(URL url) throws SQLException
Writes an java.sql.Type.DATALINK object in the Java programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. The driver converts this value to a serializable SerialDatalink SQL DATALINK value before return it to the database.
Specified by:
writeURL in interface SQLOutput
url - an object representing a SQL DATALINK value
SQLException - if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attribute values of a UDT to the database.


public void writeNString(String x) throws SQLException
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a String in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to a SQL NCHAR or NVARCHAR or LONGNVARCHAR value (depending on the argument's size relative to the driver's limits on NVARCHAR values) when it sends it to the stream.
Specified by:
writeNString in interface SQLOutput
x - the value to pass to the database
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public void writeNClob(NClob x) throws SQLException
Writes an SQL NCLOB value to the stream.
Specified by:
writeNClob in interface SQLOutput
x - a NClob object representing data of an SQL NCLOB value
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public void writeRowId(RowId x) throws SQLException
Writes an SQL ROWID value to the stream.
Specified by:
writeRowId in interface SQLOutput
x - a RowId object representing data of an SQL ROWID value
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public void writeSQLXML(SQLXML x) throws SQLException
Writes an SQL XML value to the stream.
Specified by:
writeSQLXML in interface SQLOutput
x - a SQLXML object representing data of an SQL XML value
SQLException - if a database access error occurs

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
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