
/OpenJDK 21

Interface Xid

public interface Xid
The Xid interface is a Java mapping of the X/Open transaction identifier XID structure. This interface specifies three accessor methods to retrieve a global transaction format ID, global transaction ID, and branch qualifier. The Xid interface is used by the transaction manager and the resource managers. This interface is not visible to the application programs.

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final int MAXBQUALSIZE
Maximum number of bytes returned by getBranchQualifier().
static final int MAXGTRIDSIZE
Maximum number of bytes returned by getGlobalTransactionId().

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
byte[] getBranchQualifier()
Obtain the transaction branch identifier part of XID as an array of bytes.
int getFormatId()
Obtain the format identifier part of the XID.
byte[] getGlobalTransactionId()
Obtain the global transaction identifier part of XID as an array of bytes.

Field Details


static final int MAXGTRIDSIZE
Maximum number of bytes returned by getGlobalTransactionId().
See Also:


static final int MAXBQUALSIZE
Maximum number of bytes returned by getBranchQualifier().
See Also:

Method Details


int getFormatId()
Obtain the format identifier part of the XID.
Format identifier. O means the OSI CCR format.


byte[] getGlobalTransactionId()
Obtain the global transaction identifier part of XID as an array of bytes.
Global transaction identifier.


byte[] getBranchQualifier()
Obtain the transaction branch identifier part of XID as an array of bytes.
Global transaction identifier.

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