
/OpenJDK 21

Class StAXSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class StAXSource extends Object implements Source

Acts as a holder for an XML Source in the form of a StAX reader,i.e. XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader. StAXSource can be used in all cases that accept a Source, e.g. Transformer, Validator which accept Source as input.

StAXSources are consumed during processing and are not reusable.

See Also:

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final String FEATURE
If TransformerFactory.getFeature(String name) returns true when passed this value as an argument, the Transformer supports Source input of this type.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
StAXSource(XMLEventReader xmlEventReader)
Creates a new instance of a StAXSource by supplying an XMLEventReader.
StAXSource(XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader)
Creates a new instance of a StAXSource by supplying an XMLStreamReader.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String getSystemId()
Get the system identifier used by this StAXSource.
XMLEventReader getXMLEventReader()
Get the XMLEventReader used by this StAXSource.
XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader()
Get the XMLStreamReader used by this StAXSource.
boolean isEmpty()
Indicates whether the StAXSource object is empty.
void setSystemId(String systemId)
In the context of a StAXSource, it is not appropriate to explicitly set the system identifier.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


public static final String FEATURE
If TransformerFactory.getFeature(String name) returns true when passed this value as an argument, the Transformer supports Source input of this type.
See Also:

Constructor Details


public StAXSource(XMLEventReader xmlEventReader) throws XMLStreamException

Creates a new instance of a StAXSource by supplying an XMLEventReader.

XMLEventReader must be a non-null reference.

XMLEventReader must be in XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT or XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT state.

xmlEventReader - XMLEventReader used to create this StAXSource.
XMLStreamException - If xmlEventReader access throws an Exception.
IllegalArgumentException - If xmlEventReader == null.
IllegalStateException - If xmlEventReader is not in XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT or XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT state.


public StAXSource(XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader)

Creates a new instance of a StAXSource by supplying an XMLStreamReader.

XMLStreamReader must be a non-null reference.

XMLStreamReader must be in XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT or XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT state.

xmlStreamReader - XMLStreamReader used to create this StAXSource.
IllegalArgumentException - If xmlStreamReader == null.
IllegalStateException - If xmlStreamReader is not in XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT or XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT state.

Method Details


public XMLEventReader getXMLEventReader()

Get the XMLEventReader used by this StAXSource.

XMLEventReader will be null. if this StAXSource was created with a XMLStreamReader.

XMLEventReader used by this StAXSource.


public XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader()

Get the XMLStreamReader used by this StAXSource.

XMLStreamReader will be null if this StAXSource was created with a XMLEventReader.

XMLStreamReader used by this StAXSource.


public void setSystemId(String systemId)

In the context of a StAXSource, it is not appropriate to explicitly set the system identifier. The XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader used to construct this StAXSource determines the system identifier of the XML source.

An UnsupportedOperationException is always thrown by this method.

Specified by:
setSystemId in interface Source
systemId - Ignored.
UnsupportedOperationException - Is always thrown by this method.


public String getSystemId()

Get the system identifier used by this StAXSource.

The XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader used to construct this StAXSource is queried to determine the system identifier of the XML source.

The system identifier may be null or an empty "" String.

Specified by:
getSystemId in interface Source
System identifier used by this StAXSource.


public boolean isEmpty()
Indicates whether the StAXSource object is empty. Since a StAXSource object can never be empty, this method always returns false.
Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Source
unconditionally false

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