
/OpenJDK 21

Class EventID

public class EventID extends Object
EventID contains integer constants that map to event support in AWT and Swing. They are used by primarily by AWTEventMonitor, AWTEventsListener, SwingEventMonitor, and SwingEventListener, but can be freely used by any other class.
See Also:

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final int ACTION
Maps to AWT Action support (i.e., ActionListener and ActionEvent)
static final int ADJUSTMENT
Maps to AWT Adjustment support (i.e., AdjustmentListener and AdjustmentEvent)
static final int ANCESTOR
Maps to Swing Ancestor support (i.e., AncestorListener and AncestorEvent)
static final int CARET
Maps to Swing Text Caret support (i.e., CaretListener and CaretEvent)
static final int CELLEDITOR
Maps to Swing CellEditor support (i.e., CellEditorListener and CellEditorEvent)
static final int CHANGE
Maps to Swing Change support (i.e., ChangeListener and ChangeEvent)
static final int COLUMNMODEL
Maps to Swing TableColumnModel support (i.e., TableColumnModelListener and TableColumnModelEvent)
static final int COMPONENT
Maps to AWT Component support (i.e., ComponentListener and ComponentEvent)
static final int CONTAINER
Maps to AWT Container support (i.e., ContainerListener and ContainerEvent)
static final int DOCUMENT
Maps to Swing Document support (i.e., DocumentListener and DocumentEvent)
static final int FOCUS
Maps to AWT Focus support (i.e., FocusListener and FocusEvent)
static final int INTERNALFRAME
Maps to Swing InternalFrame support (i.e., InternalFrameListener)
static final int ITEM
Maps to AWT Item support (i.e., ItemListener and ItemEvent)
static final int KEY
Maps to AWT Key support (i.e., KeyListener and KeyEvent)
static final int LISTDATA
Maps to Swing ListData support (i.e., ListDataListener and ListDataEvent)
static final int LISTSELECTION
Maps to Swing ListSelection support (i.e., ListSelectionListener and ListSelectionEvent)
static final int MENU
Maps to Swing Menu support (i.e., MenuListener and MenuEvent)
static final int MOTION
Maps to AWT MouseMotion support (i.e., MouseMotionListener and MouseMotionEvent)
static final int MOUSE
Maps to AWT Mouse support (i.e., MouseListener and MouseEvent)
static final int POPUPMENU
Maps to Swing PopupMenu support (i.e., PopupMenuListener and PopupMenuEvent)
static final int PROPERTYCHANGE
Maps to Beans PropertyChange support (i.e., PropertyChangeListener and PropertyChangeEvent)
static final int TABLEMODEL
Maps to Swing TableModel support (i.e., TableModelListener and TableModelEvent)
static final int TEXT
Maps to AWT Text support (i.e., TextListener and TextEvent)
static final int TREEEXPANSION
Maps to Swing TreeExpansion support (i.e., TreeExpansionListener and TreeExpansionEvent)
static final int TREEMODEL
Maps to Swing TreeModel support (i.e., TreeModelListener and TreeModelEvent)
static final int TREESELECTION
Maps to Swing TreeSelection support (i.e., TreeSelectionListener and TreeSelectionEvent)
static final int UNDOABLEEDIT
Maps to Swing UndoableEdit support (i.e., UndoableEditListener and UndoableEditEvent)
static final int VETOABLECHANGE
Maps to Beans VetoableChange support (i.e., VetoableChangeListener and VetoableChangeEvent)
static final int WINDOW
Maps to AWT Window support (i.e., WindowListener and WindowEvent)

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
Constructs an EventID.

Method Summary

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


public static final int ACTION
Maps to AWT Action support (i.e., ActionListener and ActionEvent)
See Also:


public static final int ADJUSTMENT
Maps to AWT Adjustment support (i.e., AdjustmentListener and AdjustmentEvent)
See Also:


public static final int COMPONENT
Maps to AWT Component support (i.e., ComponentListener and ComponentEvent)
See Also:


public static final int CONTAINER
Maps to AWT Container support (i.e., ContainerListener and ContainerEvent)
See Also:


public static final int FOCUS
Maps to AWT Focus support (i.e., FocusListener and FocusEvent)
See Also:


public static final int ITEM
Maps to AWT Item support (i.e., ItemListener and ItemEvent)
See Also:


public static final int KEY
Maps to AWT Key support (i.e., KeyListener and KeyEvent)
See Also:


public static final int MOUSE
Maps to AWT Mouse support (i.e., MouseListener and MouseEvent)
See Also:


public static final int MOTION
Maps to AWT MouseMotion support (i.e., MouseMotionListener and MouseMotionEvent)
See Also:


public static final int TEXT
Maps to AWT Text support (i.e., TextListener and TextEvent)
See Also:


public static final int WINDOW
Maps to AWT Window support (i.e., WindowListener and WindowEvent)
See Also:


public static final int ANCESTOR
Maps to Swing Ancestor support (i.e., AncestorListener and AncestorEvent)
See Also:


public static final int CARET
Maps to Swing Text Caret support (i.e., CaretListener and CaretEvent)
See Also:


public static final int CELLEDITOR
Maps to Swing CellEditor support (i.e., CellEditorListener and CellEditorEvent)
See Also:


public static final int CHANGE
Maps to Swing Change support (i.e., ChangeListener and ChangeEvent)
See Also:


public static final int COLUMNMODEL
Maps to Swing TableColumnModel support (i.e., TableColumnModelListener and TableColumnModelEvent)
See Also:


public static final int DOCUMENT
Maps to Swing Document support (i.e., DocumentListener and DocumentEvent)
See Also:


public static final int LISTDATA
Maps to Swing ListData support (i.e., ListDataListener and ListDataEvent)
See Also:


public static final int LISTSELECTION
Maps to Swing ListSelection support (i.e., ListSelectionListener and ListSelectionEvent)
See Also:


public static final int POPUPMENU
Maps to Swing PopupMenu support (i.e., PopupMenuListener and PopupMenuEvent)
See Also:


public static final int TABLEMODEL
Maps to Swing TableModel support (i.e., TableModelListener and TableModelEvent)
See Also:


public static final int TREEEXPANSION
Maps to Swing TreeExpansion support (i.e., TreeExpansionListener and TreeExpansionEvent)
See Also:


public static final int TREEMODEL
Maps to Swing TreeModel support (i.e., TreeModelListener and TreeModelEvent)
See Also:


public static final int TREESELECTION
Maps to Swing TreeSelection support (i.e., TreeSelectionListener and TreeSelectionEvent)
See Also:


public static final int UNDOABLEEDIT
Maps to Swing UndoableEdit support (i.e., UndoableEditListener and UndoableEditEvent)
See Also:


public static final int PROPERTYCHANGE
Maps to Beans PropertyChange support (i.e., PropertyChangeListener and PropertyChangeEvent)
See Also:


public static final int VETOABLECHANGE
Maps to Beans VetoableChange support (i.e., VetoableChangeListener and VetoableChangeEvent)
See Also:


public static final int INTERNALFRAME
Maps to Swing InternalFrame support (i.e., InternalFrameListener)
See Also:

Constructor Details


public EventID()
Constructs an EventID.

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