
/OpenJDK 21

Interface GUIInitializedListener

All Superinterfaces:
public interface GUIInitializedListener extends EventListener
The GUIInitializedListener interface is used by the EventQueueMonitor class to notify an interested party when the GUI subsystem has been initialized. This is necessary because assistive technologies can be loaded before the GUI subsystem is initialized. As a result, assistive technologies should check the isGUIInitialized method of EventQueueMonitor before creating any GUI components. If the return value is true, assistive technologies can create GUI components following the same thread restrictions as any other application. If the return value is false, the assistive technology should register a GUIInitializedListener with the EventQueueMonitor to be notified when the GUI subsystem is initialized.
See Also:

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void guiInitialized()
Invoked when the GUI subsystem is initialized and it's OK for the assisitive technology to create instances of GUI objects.

Method Details


void guiInitialized()
Invoked when the GUI subsystem is initialized and it's OK for the assisitive technology to create instances of GUI objects.

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