
/OpenJDK 21

Interface TopLevelWindowListener

All Superinterfaces:
public interface TopLevelWindowListener extends EventListener
The TopLevelWindowListener interface is used by the EventQueueMonitor class to notify an interested party when a top level window is created or destroyed in the Java Virtual Machine. Classes wishing to express an interest in top level window events should implement this interface and register themselves with the EventQueueMonitor by calling the EventQueueMonitor.addTopLevelWindowListener class method.
See Also:

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void topLevelWindowCreated(Window w)
Invoked when a new top level window has been created.
void topLevelWindowDestroyed(Window w)
Invoked when a top level window has been destroyed.

Method Details


void topLevelWindowCreated(Window w)
Invoked when a new top level window has been created.
w - the Window that was created


void topLevelWindowDestroyed(Window w)
Invoked when a top level window has been destroyed.
w - the Window that was destroyed

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