
/OpenJDK 21

Class TaskEvent

public final class TaskEvent extends Object
Provides details about work that has been done by the JDK Java Compiler, javac.

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Class Description
static enum  TaskEvent.Kind
Kind of task event.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind)
Creates a task event for a given kind.
TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, CompilationUnitTree unit)
Creates a task event for a given kind and compilation unit.
TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, CompilationUnitTree unit, TypeElement clazz)
Creates a task event for a given kind, compilation unit and type element.
TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, JavaFileObject sourceFile)
Creates a task event for a given kind and source file.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
CompilationUnitTree getCompilationUnit()
Returns the compilation unit for this event.
TaskEvent.Kind getKind()
Returns the kind for this event.
JavaFileObject getSourceFile()
Returns the source file for this event.
TypeElement getTypeElement()
Returns the type element for this event.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind)
Creates a task event for a given kind. The source file, compilation unit and type element are all set to null.
kind - the kind of the event


public TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, JavaFileObject sourceFile)
Creates a task event for a given kind and source file. The compilation unit and type element are both set to null.
kind - the kind of the event
sourceFile - the source file


public TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, CompilationUnitTree unit)
Creates a task event for a given kind and compilation unit. The source file is set from the compilation unit, and the type element is set to null.
kind - the kind of the event
unit - the compilation unit


public TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, CompilationUnitTree unit, TypeElement clazz)
Creates a task event for a given kind, compilation unit and type element. The source file is set from the compilation unit.
kind - the kind of the event
unit - the compilation unit
clazz - the type element

Method Details


public TaskEvent.Kind getKind()
Returns the kind for this event.
the kind


public JavaFileObject getSourceFile()
Returns the source file for this event. May be null.
the source file


public CompilationUnitTree getCompilationUnit()
Returns the compilation unit for this event. May be null.
the compilation unit


public TypeElement getTypeElement()
Returns the type element for this event. May be null.
the type element

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