
/OpenJDK 21

Class DefaultInternalObjectFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class DefaultInternalObjectFilter extends Object implements MethodHandleTransformer
Default implementation for a DynamicLinkerFactory.setInternalObjectsFilter(MethodHandleTransformer) that delegates to a pair of filtering method handles. It takes a method handle of Object(Object) type for filtering parameter values and another one of the same type for filtering return values. It applies them as parameter and return value filters on method handles passed to its transform(MethodHandle) method, on those parameters and return values that are declared to have type Object. Also handles method handles that support variable arity calls with a last Object[] parameter. You can broadly think of the parameter filter as being a wrapping method for exposing internal runtime objects wrapped into an adapter with some public interface, and the return value filter as being its inverse unwrapping method.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
DefaultInternalObjectFilter(MethodHandle parameterFilter, MethodHandle returnFilter)
Creates a new filter.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
MethodHandle transform(MethodHandle target)
Transforms a method handle.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public DefaultInternalObjectFilter(MethodHandle parameterFilter, MethodHandle returnFilter)
Creates a new filter.
parameterFilter - the filter for method parameters. Must be of type Object(Object), or null.
returnFilter - the filter for return values. Must be of type Object(Object), or null.
IllegalArgumentException - if one or both filters are not of the expected type.

Method Details


public MethodHandle transform(MethodHandle target)
Description copied from interface: MethodHandleTransformer
Transforms a method handle.
Specified by:
transform in interface MethodHandleTransformer
target - the method handle being transformed.
transformed method handle.

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
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