
/OpenJDK 21

Interface Doclet.Option

Enclosing interface:
public static interface Doclet.Option
An encapsulation of option name, aliases, parameters and descriptions as used by the Doclet.

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Interface Description
static enum  Doclet.Option.Kind
The kind of an option.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
int getArgumentCount()
Returns the number of arguments, this option will consume.
String getDescription()
Returns the description of the option.
Doclet.Option.Kind getKind()
Returns the option kind.
List<String> getNames()
Returns the list of names that may be used to identify the option.
String getParameters()
Returns the parameters of the option.
boolean process(String option, List<String> arguments)
Processes the option and arguments as needed.

Method Details


int getArgumentCount()
Returns the number of arguments, this option will consume.
number of consumed arguments


String getDescription()
Returns the description of the option. For instance, the option "group", would return the synopsis of the option such as, "groups the documents".
description if set, otherwise an empty String


Doclet.Option.Kind getKind()
Returns the option kind.
the kind of this option


List<String> getNames()
Returns the list of names that may be used to identify the option. For instance, the list could be ["-classpath", "--class-path"] for the option "-classpath", with an alias "--class-path".
the names of the option


String getParameters()
Returns the parameters of the option. For instance "name <p1>:<p2>.."
parameters if set, otherwise an empty String


boolean process(String option, List<String> arguments)
Processes the option and arguments as needed. This method will be invoked if the given option name matches the option.
option - the option
arguments - a list encapsulating the arguments
true if operation succeeded, false otherwise

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