
/OpenJDK 21

Interface ArrayReference

All Superinterfaces:
Mirror, ObjectReference, Value
public interface ArrayReference extends ObjectReference
Provides access to an array object and its components in the target VM. Each array component is mirrored by a Value object. The array components, in aggregate, are placed in List objects instead of arrays for consistency with the rest of the API and for interoperability with other APIs.

Field Summary

Fields declared in interface com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference


Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Value getValue(int index)
Returns an array component value.
List<Value> getValues()
Returns all of the components in this array.
List<Value> getValues(int index, int length)
Returns a range of array components.
int length()
Returns the number of components in this array.
void setValue(int index, Value value)
Replaces an array component with another value.
void setValues(int index, List<? extends Value> values, int srcIndex, int length)
Replaces a range of array components with other values.
void setValues(List<? extends Value> values)
Replaces all array components with other values.

Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.Mirror

toString, virtualMachine

Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.Value


Method Details


int length()
Returns the number of components in this array.
the integer count of components in this array.


Value getValue(int index)
Returns an array component value.
index - the index of the component to retrieve
the Value at the given index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is outside the range of this array, that is, if either of the following are true:
    index < 0
    index >= length() 


List<Value> getValues()
Returns all of the components in this array.
a list of Value objects, one for each array component ordered by array index. For zero length arrays, an empty list is returned.


List<Value> getValues(int index, int length)
Returns a range of array components.
index - the index of the first component to retrieve
length - the number of components to retrieve, or -1 to retrieve all components to the end of this array.
a list of Value objects, one for each requested array component ordered by array index. When there are no elements in the specified range (e.g. length is zero) an empty list is returned
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the range specified with index and length is not within the range of the array, that is, if either of the following are true:
    index < 0
    index > length() 
or if length != -1 and either of the following are true:
    length < 0
    index + length >  length()


void setValue(int index, Value value) throws InvalidTypeException, ClassNotLoadedException
Replaces an array component with another value.

Object values must be assignment compatible with the component type (This implies that the component type must be loaded through the declaring class's class loader). Primitive values must be either assignment compatible with the component type or must be convertible to the component type without loss of information. See JLS section 5.2 for more information on assignment compatibility.

index - the index of the component to set
value - the new value
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is outside the range of this array, that is, if either of the following are true:
    index < 0
    index >= length() 
InvalidTypeException - if the type of value is not compatible with the declared type of array components.
ClassNotLoadedException - if the array component type has not yet been loaded through the appropriate class loader.
VMCannotBeModifiedException - if the VirtualMachine is read-only - see VirtualMachine.canBeModified().
See Also:


void setValues(List<? extends Value> values) throws InvalidTypeException, ClassNotLoadedException
Replaces all array components with other values. If the given list is larger in size than the array, the values at the end of the list are ignored.

Object values must be assignment compatible with the element type (This implies that the component type must be loaded through the enclosing class's class loader). Primitive values must be either assignment compatible with the component type or must be convertible to the component type without loss of information. See JLS section 5.2 for more information on assignment compatibility.

values - a list of Value objects to be placed in this array. If values.size() is less that the length of the array, the first values.size() elements are set.
InvalidTypeException - if any of the new values is not compatible with the declared type of array components.
ClassNotLoadedException - if the array component type has not yet been loaded through the appropriate class loader.
VMCannotBeModifiedException - if the VirtualMachine is read-only - see VirtualMachine.canBeModified().
See Also:


void setValues(int index, List<? extends Value> values, int srcIndex, int length) throws InvalidTypeException, ClassNotLoadedException
Replaces a range of array components with other values.

Object values must be assignment compatible with the component type (This implies that the component type must be loaded through the enclosing class's class loader). Primitive values must be either assignment compatible with the component type or must be convertible to the component type without loss of information. See JLS section 5.2 for more information on assignment compatibility.

index - the index of the first component to set.
values - a list of Value objects to be placed in this array.
srcIndex - the index of the first source value to use.
length - the number of components to set, or -1 to set all components to the end of this array or the end of values (whichever comes first).
InvalidTypeException - if any element of values is not compatible with the declared type of array components.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the array range specified with index and length is not within the range of the array, or if the source range specified with srcIndex and length is not within values, that is, if any of the following are true:
    index < 0
    index > length()
    srcIndex < 0
    srcIndex > values.size() 
or if length != -1 and any of the following are true:
    length < 0
    index + length > length()
    srcIndex + length > values.size() 
VMCannotBeModifiedException - if the VirtualMachine is read-only - see VirtualMachine.canBeModified().
See Also:

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