
/OpenJDK 21

Interface ClassUnloadEvent

All Superinterfaces:
Event, Mirror
public interface ClassUnloadEvent extends Event
Notification of a class unload in the target VM.

There are severe constraints on the debugger back-end during garbage collection, so unload information is greatly limited.

See Also:

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String className()
Returns the name of the class that has been unloaded.
String classSignature()
Returns the type signature of the class that has been unloaded.

Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.event.Event


Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.Mirror

toString, virtualMachine

Method Details


String className()
Returns the name of the class that has been unloaded. The returned string may not be a binary name.
See Also:


String classSignature()
Returns the type signature of the class that has been unloaded. The result is of the same form as the string returned by Class.descriptorString(). If this class can be described nominally, the returned string is a type descriptor conforming to JVMS 4.3.2; otherwise, the returned string is not a type descriptor.

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