
/OpenJDK 21

Class GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo extends Object implements CompositeDataView
The information about a garbage collection

A garbage collection notification is emitted by GarbageCollectorMXBean when the Java virtual machine completes a garbage collection action The notification emitted will contain the garbage collection notification information about the status of the memory:

  • The name of the garbage collector used to perform the collection.
  • The action performed by the garbage collector.
  • The cause of the garbage collection action.
  • A GcInfo object containing some statistics about the GC cycle (start time, end time) and the memory usage before and after the GC cycle.

A CompositeData representing the GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo object is stored in the userdata of a notification. The from method is provided to convert from a CompositeData to a GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo object. For example:

      Notification notif;

      // receive the notification emitted by a GarbageCollectorMXBean and set to notif

      String notifType = notif.getType();
      if (notifType.equals(GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo.GARBAGE_COLLECTION_NOTIFICATION)) {
          // retrieve the garbage collection notification information
          CompositeData cd = (CompositeData) notif.getUserData();
          GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo info = GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo.from(cd);

The type of the notification emitted by a GarbageCollectorMXBean is:

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
Notification type denoting that the Java virtual machine has completed a garbage collection cycle.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo(String gcName, String gcAction, String gcCause, GcInfo gcInfo)
Constructs a GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo object.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
static GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo from(CompositeData cd)
Returns a GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo object represented by the given CompositeData.
String getGcAction()
Returns the action performed by the garbage collector
String getGcCause()
Returns the cause of the garbage collection
GcInfo getGcInfo()
Returns the GC information related to the last garbage collection
String getGcName()
Returns the name of the garbage collector used to perform the collection
CompositeData toCompositeData(CompositeType ct)
Return a CompositeData corresponding to the values in this object.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


Notification type denoting that the Java virtual machine has completed a garbage collection cycle. This notification is emitted by a GarbageCollectorMXBean. The value of this notification type is com.sun.management.gc.notification.
See Also:

Constructor Details


public GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo(String gcName, String gcAction, String gcCause, GcInfo gcInfo)
Constructs a GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo object.
gcName - The name of the garbage collector used to perform the collection
gcAction - The name of the action performed by the garbage collector
gcCause - The cause of the garbage collection action
gcInfo - a GcInfo object providing statistics about the GC cycle

Method Details


public String getGcName()
Returns the name of the garbage collector used to perform the collection
the name of the garbage collector used to perform the collection


public String getGcAction()
Returns the action performed by the garbage collector
the action performed by the garbage collector


public String getGcCause()
Returns the cause of the garbage collection
the cause of the garbage collection


public GcInfo getGcInfo()
Returns the GC information related to the last garbage collection
the GC information related to the last garbage collection


public static GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo from(CompositeData cd)
Returns a GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo object represented by the given CompositeData. The given CompositeData must contain the following attributes:
Attribute Name Type
gcName java.lang.String
gcAction java.lang.String
gcCause java.lang.String
gcInfo javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData
cd - CompositeData representing a GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo
a GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo object represented by cd if cd is not null; null otherwise.
IllegalArgumentException - if cd does not represent a GarbaageCollectionNotificationInfo object.


public CompositeData toCompositeData(CompositeType ct)
Description copied from interface: CompositeDataView

Return a CompositeData corresponding to the values in this object. The returned value should usually be an instance of CompositeDataSupport, or a class that serializes as a CompositeDataSupport via a writeReplace method. Otherwise, a remote client that receives the object might not be able to reconstruct it.

Specified by:
toCompositeData in interface CompositeDataView
ct - The expected CompositeType of the returned value. If the returned value is cd, then cd.getCompositeType().equals(ct) should be true. Typically this will be because cd is a CompositeDataSupport constructed with ct as its CompositeType.
the CompositeData.

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