
/OpenJDK 21

Interface HTMLAreaElement

All Superinterfaces:
Element, HTMLElement, Node
public interface HTMLAreaElement extends HTMLElement
Client-side image map area definition. See the AREA element definition in HTML 4.0.

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification.

1.4, DOM Level 2

Field Summary

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String getAccessKey()
A single character access key to give access to the form control.
String getAlt()
Alternate text for user agents not rendering the normal content of this element.
String getCoords()
Comma-separated list of lengths, defining an active region geometry.
String getHref()
The URI of the linked resource.
boolean getNoHref()
Specifies that this area is inactive, i.e., has no associated action.
String getShape()
The shape of the active area.
int getTabIndex()
Index that represents the element's position in the tabbing order.
String getTarget()
Frame to render the resource in.
void setAccessKey(String accessKey)
void setAlt(String alt)
void setCoords(String coords)
void setHref(String href)
void setNoHref(boolean noHref)
void setShape(String shape)
void setTabIndex(int tabIndex)
void setTarget(String target)

Methods declared in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement

getClassName, getDir, getId, getLang, getTitle, setClassName, setDir, setId, setLang, setTitle

Method Details


String getAccessKey()
A single character access key to give access to the form control. See the accesskey attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setAccessKey(String accessKey)


String getAlt()
Alternate text for user agents not rendering the normal content of this element. See the alt attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setAlt(String alt)


String getCoords()
Comma-separated list of lengths, defining an active region geometry. See also shape for the shape of the region. See the coords attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setCoords(String coords)


String getHref()
The URI of the linked resource. See the href attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setHref(String href)


boolean getNoHref()
Specifies that this area is inactive, i.e., has no associated action. See the nohref attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setNoHref(boolean noHref)


String getShape()
The shape of the active area. The coordinates are given by coords . See the shape attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setShape(String shape)


int getTabIndex()
Index that represents the element's position in the tabbing order. See the tabindex attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setTabIndex(int tabIndex)


String getTarget()
Frame to render the resource in. See the target attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setTarget(String target)

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