
/OpenJDK 21

Interface HTMLBodyElement

All Superinterfaces:
Element, HTMLElement, Node
public interface HTMLBodyElement extends HTMLElement
The HTML document body. This element is always present in the DOM API, even if the tags are not present in the source document. See the BODY element definition in HTML 4.0.

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification.

1.4, DOM Level 2

Field Summary

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String getALink()
Color of active links (after mouse-button down, but before mouse-button up).
String getBackground()
URI of the background texture tile image.
String getBgColor()
Document background color.
String getLink()
Color of links that are not active and unvisited.
String getText()
Document text color.
String getVLink()
Color of links that have been visited by the user.
void setALink(String aLink)
void setBackground(String background)
void setBgColor(String bgColor)
void setLink(String link)
void setText(String text)
void setVLink(String vLink)

Methods declared in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement

getClassName, getDir, getId, getLang, getTitle, setClassName, setDir, setId, setLang, setTitle

Method Details


String getALink()
Color of active links (after mouse-button down, but before mouse-button up). See the alink attribute definition in HTML 4.0. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0.


void setALink(String aLink)


String getBackground()
URI of the background texture tile image. See the background attribute definition in HTML 4.0. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0.


void setBackground(String background)


String getBgColor()
Document background color. See the bgcolor attribute definition in HTML 4.0. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0.


void setBgColor(String bgColor)


String getLink()
Color of links that are not active and unvisited. See the link attribute definition in HTML 4.0. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0.


void setLink(String link)


String getText()
Document text color. See the text attribute definition in HTML 4.0. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0.


void setText(String text)


String getVLink()
Color of links that have been visited by the user. See the vlink attribute definition in HTML 4.0. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0.


void setVLink(String vLink)

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