
/OpenJDK 21

Interface HTMLFrameElement

All Superinterfaces:
Element, HTMLElement, Node
public interface HTMLFrameElement extends HTMLElement
Create a frame. See the FRAME element definition in HTML 4.0.

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification.

1.4, DOM Level 2

Field Summary

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Document getContentDocument()
The document this frame contains, if there is any and it is available, or null otherwise.
String getFrameBorder()
Request frame borders.
String getLongDesc()
URI designating a long description of this image or frame.
String getMarginHeight()
Frame margin height, in pixels.
String getMarginWidth()
Frame margin width, in pixels.
String getName()
The frame name (object of the target attribute).
boolean getNoResize()
When true, forbid user from resizing frame.
String getScrolling()
Specify whether or not the frame should have scrollbars.
String getSrc()
A URI designating the initial frame contents.
void setFrameBorder(String frameBorder)
void setLongDesc(String longDesc)
void setMarginHeight(String marginHeight)
void setMarginWidth(String marginWidth)
void setName(String name)
void setNoResize(boolean noResize)
void setScrolling(String scrolling)
void setSrc(String src)

Methods declared in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement

getClassName, getDir, getId, getLang, getTitle, setClassName, setDir, setId, setLang, setTitle

Method Details


String getFrameBorder()
Request frame borders. See the frameborder attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setFrameBorder(String frameBorder)


String getLongDesc()
URI designating a long description of this image or frame. See the longdesc attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setLongDesc(String longDesc)


String getMarginHeight()
Frame margin height, in pixels. See the marginheight attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setMarginHeight(String marginHeight)


String getMarginWidth()
Frame margin width, in pixels. See the marginwidth attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setMarginWidth(String marginWidth)


String getName()
The frame name (object of the target attribute). See the name attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setName(String name)


boolean getNoResize()
When true, forbid user from resizing frame. See the noresize attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setNoResize(boolean noResize)


String getScrolling()
Specify whether or not the frame should have scrollbars. See the scrolling attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setScrolling(String scrolling)


String getSrc()
A URI designating the initial frame contents. See the src attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setSrc(String src)


Document getContentDocument()
The document this frame contains, if there is any and it is available, or null otherwise.
1.4, DOM Level 2

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