
/OpenJDK 21

Interface HTMLLinkElement

All Superinterfaces:
Element, HTMLElement, Node
public interface HTMLLinkElement extends HTMLElement
The LINK element specifies a link to an external resource, and defines this document's relationship to that resource (or vice versa). See the LINK element definition in HTML 4.0 (see also the LinkStyle interface in the module).

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification.

1.4, DOM Level 2

Field Summary

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String getCharset()
The character encoding of the resource being linked to.
boolean getDisabled()
Enables/disables the link.
String getHref()
The URI of the linked resource.
String getHreflang()
Language code of the linked resource.
String getMedia()
Designed for use with one or more target media.
String getRel()
Forward link type.
String getRev()
Reverse link type.
String getTarget()
Frame to render the resource in.
String getType()
Advisory content type.
void setCharset(String charset)
void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
void setHref(String href)
void setHreflang(String hreflang)
void setMedia(String media)
void setRel(String rel)
void setRev(String rev)
void setTarget(String target)
void setType(String type)

Methods declared in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement

getClassName, getDir, getId, getLang, getTitle, setClassName, setDir, setId, setLang, setTitle

Method Details


boolean getDisabled()
Enables/disables the link. This is currently only used for style sheet links, and may be used to activate or deactivate style sheets.


void setDisabled(boolean disabled)


String getCharset()
The character encoding of the resource being linked to. See the charset attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setCharset(String charset)


String getHref()
The URI of the linked resource. See the href attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setHref(String href)


String getHreflang()
Language code of the linked resource. See the hreflang attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setHreflang(String hreflang)


String getMedia()
Designed for use with one or more target media. See the media attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setMedia(String media)


String getRel()
Forward link type. See the rel attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setRel(String rel)


String getRev()
Reverse link type. See the rev attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setRev(String rev)


String getTarget()
Frame to render the resource in. See the target attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setTarget(String target)


String getType()
Advisory content type. See the type attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setType(String type)

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