
/OpenJDK 21

Interface HTMLSelectElement

All Superinterfaces:
Element, HTMLElement, Node
public interface HTMLSelectElement extends HTMLElement
The select element allows the selection of an option. The contained options can be directly accessed through the select element as a collection. See the SELECT element definition in HTML 4.0.

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification.

1.4, DOM Level 2

Field Summary

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void add(HTMLElement element, HTMLElement before)
Add a new element to the collection of OPTION elements for this SELECT .
void blur()
Removes keyboard focus from this element.
void focus()
Gives keyboard focus to this element.
boolean getDisabled()
The control is unavailable in this context.
HTMLFormElement getForm()
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
int getLength()
The number of options in this SELECT .
boolean getMultiple()
If true, multiple OPTION elements may be selected in this SELECT .
String getName()
Form control or object name when submitted with a form.
HTMLCollection getOptions()
The collection of OPTION elements contained by this element.
int getSelectedIndex()
The ordinal index of the selected option, starting from 0.
int getSize()
Number of visible rows.
int getTabIndex()
Index that represents the element's position in the tabbing order.
String getType()
The type of this form control.
String getValue()
The current form control value.
void remove(int index)
Remove an element from the collection of OPTION elements for this SELECT .
void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
void setMultiple(boolean multiple)
void setName(String name)
void setSelectedIndex(int selectedIndex)
void setSize(int size)
void setTabIndex(int tabIndex)
void setValue(String value)

Methods declared in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement

getClassName, getDir, getId, getLang, getTitle, setClassName, setDir, setId, setLang, setTitle

Method Details


String getType()
The type of this form control. This is the string "select-multiple" when the multiple attribute is true and the string "select-one" when false .


int getSelectedIndex()
The ordinal index of the selected option, starting from 0. The value -1 is returned if no element is selected. If multiple options are selected, the index of the first selected option is returned.


void setSelectedIndex(int selectedIndex)


String getValue()
The current form control value.


void setValue(String value)


int getLength()
The number of options in this SELECT .


HTMLFormElement getForm()
Returns the FORM element containing this control. Returns null if this control is not within the context of a form.


HTMLCollection getOptions()
The collection of OPTION elements contained by this element.


boolean getDisabled()
The control is unavailable in this context. See the disabled attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setDisabled(boolean disabled)


boolean getMultiple()
If true, multiple OPTION elements may be selected in this SELECT . See the multiple attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setMultiple(boolean multiple)


String getName()
Form control or object name when submitted with a form. See the name attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setName(String name)


int getSize()
Number of visible rows. See the size attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setSize(int size)


int getTabIndex()
Index that represents the element's position in the tabbing order. See the tabindex attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setTabIndex(int tabIndex)


void add(HTMLElement element, HTMLElement before) throws DOMException
Add a new element to the collection of OPTION elements for this SELECT . This method is the equivalent of the appendChild method of the Node interface if the before parameter is null . It is equivalent to the insertBefore method on the parent of before in all other cases.
element - The element to add.
before - The element to insert before, or null for the tail of the list.
DOMException - NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if before is not a descendant of the SELECT element.


void remove(int index)
Remove an element from the collection of OPTION elements for this SELECT . Does nothing if no element has the given index.
index - The index of the item to remove, starting from 0.


void blur()
Removes keyboard focus from this element.


void focus()
Gives keyboard focus to this element.

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