(PHP 5, PHP 7)
DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS — Searches for all elements with given tag name in specified namespace
public DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName ) : DOMNodeList
Returns a DOMNodeList of all elements with a given local name and a namespace URI.
The namespace URI of the elements to match on. The special value *
matches all namespaces.
The local name of the elements to match on. The special value *
matches all local names.
A new DOMNodeList object containing all the matched elements.
Example #1 Get all the XInclude elements
<?php $xml = <<<EOD <?xml version="1.0" ?> <chapter xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"> <title>Books of the other guy..</title> <para> <xi:include href="book.xml"> <xi:fallback> <error>xinclude: book.xml not found</error> </xi:fallback> </xi:include> <include> This is another namespace </include> </para> </chapter> EOD; $dom = new DOMDocument; // load the XML string defined above $dom->loadXML($xml); foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude', '*') as $element) { echo 'local name: ', $element->localName, ', prefix: ', $element->prefix, "\n"; } ?>
The above example will output:
local name: include, prefix: xi local name: fallback, prefix: xi
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