(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)
MessageFormatter::parse -- msgfmt_parse — Parse input string according to pattern
Object oriented style
public MessageFormatter::parse ( string $value ) : array
Procedural style
msgfmt_parse ( MessageFormatter $fmt , string $value ) : array
Parses input string and return any extracted items as an array.
The message formatter
The string to parse
An array containing the items extracted, or false
on error
Example #1 msgfmt_parse() example
<?php $fmt = msgfmt_create('en_US', "{0,number,integer} monkeys on {1,number,integer} trees make {2,number} monkeys per tree"); $res = msgfmt_parse($fmt, "4,560 monkeys on 123 trees make 37.073 monkeys per tree"); var_export($res); $fmt = msgfmt_create('de', "{0,number,integer} Affen auf {1,number,integer} Bäumen sind {2,number} Affen pro Baum"); $res = msgfmt_parse($fmt, "4.560 Affen auf 123 Bäumen sind 37,073 Affen pro Baum"); var_export($res); ?>
Example #2 OO example
<?php $fmt = new MessageFormatter('en_US', "{0,number,integer} monkeys on {1,number,integer} trees make {2,number} monkeys per tree"); $res = $fmt->parse("4,560 monkeys on 123 trees make 37.073 monkeys per tree"); var_export($res); $fmt = new MessageFormatter('de', "{0,number,integer} Affen auf {1,number,integer} Bäumen sind {2,number} Affen pro Baum"); $res = $fmt->parse("4.560 Affen auf 123 Bäumen sind 37,073 Affen pro Baum"); var_export($res); ?>
The above example will output:
array ( 0 => 4560, 1 => 123, 2 => 37.073, ) array ( 0 => 4560, 1 => 123, 2 => 37.073, )
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