(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PHP 7)
SplFileInfo::setFileClass — Sets the class used with SplFileInfo::openFile()
public SplFileInfo::setFileClass ([ string $class_name = "SplFileObject" ] ) : void
Use this method to set a custom class which will be used when SplFileInfo::openFile() is called. The class name passed to this method must be SplFileObject or a class derived from SplFileObject.
The class name to use when SplFileInfo::openFile() is called.
No value is returned.
Example #1 SplFileInfo::setFileClass() example
<?php // Create a class extending SplFileObject class MyFoo extends SplFileObject {} $info = new SplFileInfo(__FILE__); // Set the class to use $info->setFileClass('MyFoo'); var_dump($info->openFile()); ?>
The above example will output something similar to:
object(MyFoo)#2 (0) { }
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