Asynchronous access to stdout and stderr. The constructors are private to ensure that access is provided only via an environment.
actor tag StdStream
Create an async stream for stdout.
new tag _out() : StdStream tag^
Create an async stream for stderr.
new tag _err() : StdStream tag^
Print some bytes and insert a newline afterwards.
be print( data: (String val | Array[U8 val] val))
Print some bytes without inserting a newline afterwards.
be write( data: (String val | Array[U8 val] val))
Print an iterable collection of ByteSeqs.
be printv( data: ByteSeqIter val)
Write an iterable collection of ByteSeqs.
be writev( data: ByteSeqIter val)
Flush any data out to the os (ignoring failures).
be flush()
Write the bytes without explicitly flushing.
fun ref _write( data: (String val | Array[U8 val] val)) : None val
Write the bytes and a newline without explicitly flushing.
fun ref _print( data: (String val | Array[U8 val] val)) : None val
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© 2014-2015, Causality Ltd.
Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.