Represents a proleptic Gregorian date and time, without specifying a time zone. The day of month, month, day of week, and day of year are all indexed from 1, i.e. January is 1, Monday is 1.
class ref PosixDate
Create a date from a POSIX time. Negative arguments will be changed to zero.
new ref create( seconds: I64 val = 0, nanoseconds: I64 val = 0) : PosixDate ref^
Return a POSIX time. Treats the date as UTC.
fun box time() : I64 val
Normalise all the fields of the date. For example, if the hour is 24, it is set to 0 and the day is advanced. This allows fields to be changed naively, eg. adding 1000 to hours to advance the time by 1000 hours, and then normalising the date.
fun ref normal() : None val
Format the time as for strftime.
fun box format( fmt: String val) : String val ?
fun box _negative_to_zero( value: I64 val) : I64 val
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