


class torch.nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d(size: Optional[Union[T, Tuple[T, T]]] = None, scale_factor: Optional[Union[T, Tuple[T, T]]] = None) [source]

Applies a 2D bilinear upsampling to an input signal composed of several input channels.

To specify the scale, it takes either the size or the scale_factor as it’s constructor argument.

When size is given, it is the output size of the image (h, w).

  • size (int or Tuple[int, int], optional) – output spatial sizes
  • scale_factor (float or Tuple[float, float], optional) – multiplier for spatial size.


This class is deprecated in favor of interpolate(). It is equivalent to nn.functional.interpolate(..., mode='bilinear', align_corners=True).

  • Input: (N,C,Hin,Win)(N, C, H_{in}, W_{in})
  • Output: (N,C,Hout,Wout)(N, C, H_{out}, W_{out}) where
Hout=Hin×scale_factorH_{out} = \left\lfloor H_{in} \times \text{scale\_factor} \right\rfloor
Wout=Win×scale_factorW_{out} = \left\lfloor W_{in} \times \text{scale\_factor} \right\rfloor


>>> input = torch.arange(1, 5, dtype=torch.float32).view(1, 1, 2, 2)
>>> input
tensor([[[[ 1.,  2.],
          [ 3.,  4.]]]])

>>> m = nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d(scale_factor=2)
>>> m(input)
tensor([[[[ 1.0000,  1.3333,  1.6667,  2.0000],
          [ 1.6667,  2.0000,  2.3333,  2.6667],
          [ 2.3333,  2.6667,  3.0000,  3.3333],
          [ 3.0000,  3.3333,  3.6667,  4.0000]]]])

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