

QItemEditorFactory Class

The QItemEditorFactory class provides widgets for editing item data in views and delegates. More...

Header: #include <QItemEditorFactory>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Widgets REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Widgets)
qmake: QT += widgets

Public Functions

virtual ~QItemEditorFactory()
virtual QWidget * createEditor(int userType, QWidget *parent) const
void registerEditor(int userType, QItemEditorCreatorBase *creator)
virtual QByteArray valuePropertyName(int userType) const

Static Public Members

const QItemEditorFactory * defaultFactory()
void setDefaultFactory(QItemEditorFactory *factory)

Detailed Description

When editing data in an item view, editors are created and displayed by a delegate. QStyledItemDelegate, which is the delegate by default installed on Qt's item views, uses a QItemEditorFactory to create editors for it. A default unique instance provided by QItemEditorFactory is used by all item delegates. If you set a new default factory with setDefaultFactory(), the new factory will be used by existing and new delegates.

A factory keeps a collection of QItemEditorCreatorBase instances, which are specialized editors that produce editors for one particular QVariant data type (All Qt models store their data in QVariants).

Standard Editing Widgets

The standard factory implementation provides editors for a variety of data types. These are created whenever a delegate needs to provide an editor for data supplied by a model. The following table shows the relationship between types and the standard editors provided.

Type Editor Widget
bool QComboBox
double QDoubleSpinBox
int QSpinBox
unsigned int
QDate QDateEdit
QDateTime QDateTimeEdit
QPixmap QLabel
QString QLineEdit
QTime QTimeEdit

Additional editors can be registered with the registerEditor() function.

See also QStyledItemDelegate, Model/View Programming, and Color Editor Factory Example.

Member Function Documentation


Constructs a new item editor factory.

[virtual] QItemEditorFactory::~QItemEditorFactory()

Destroys the item editor factory.

[virtual] QWidget *QItemEditorFactory::createEditor(int userType, QWidget *parent) const

Creates an editor widget with the given parent for the specified userType of data, and returns it as a QWidget.

See also registerEditor().

[static] const QItemEditorFactory *QItemEditorFactory::defaultFactory()

Returns the default item editor factory.

See also setDefaultFactory().

void QItemEditorFactory::registerEditor(int userType, QItemEditorCreatorBase *creator)

Registers an item editor creator specified by creator for the given userType of data.

Note: The factory takes ownership of the item editor creator and will destroy it if a new creator for the same type is registered later.

See also createEditor().

[static] void QItemEditorFactory::setDefaultFactory(QItemEditorFactory *factory)

Sets the default item editor factory to the given factory. Both new and existing delegates will use the new factory.

See also defaultFactory().

[virtual] QByteArray QItemEditorFactory::valuePropertyName(int userType) const

Returns the property name used to access data for the given userType of data.

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