

QJsonValue Class

The QJsonValue class encapsulates a value in JSON. More...

Header: #include <QJsonValue>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Core REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core)
qmake: QT += core
Since: Qt 5.0

Note: All functions in this class are reentrant.

Public Types

enum Type { Null, Bool, Double, String, Array, …, Undefined }

Public Functions

QJsonValue(QJsonValue &&other)
QJsonValue(const QJsonValue &other)
QJsonValue(const QJsonObject &o)
QJsonValue(const QJsonArray &a)
QJsonValue(const char *s)
QJsonValue(QLatin1String s)
QJsonValue(const QString &s)
QJsonValue(qint64 v)
QJsonValue(int v)
QJsonValue(double v)
QJsonValue(bool b)
QJsonValue(QJsonValue::Type type = Null)
QJsonValue & operator=(QJsonValue &&other)
QJsonValue & operator=(const QJsonValue &other)
bool isArray() const
bool isBool() const
bool isDouble() const
bool isNull() const
bool isObject() const
bool isString() const
bool isUndefined() const
void swap(QJsonValue &other)
QJsonArray toArray(const QJsonArray &defaultValue) const
QJsonArray toArray() const
bool toBool(bool defaultValue = false) const
double toDouble(double defaultValue = 0) const
int toInt(int defaultValue = 0) const
qint64 toInteger(qint64 defaultValue = 0) const
QJsonObject toObject(const QJsonObject &defaultValue) const
QJsonObject toObject() const
QString toString() const
QString toString(const QString &defaultValue) const
QVariant toVariant() const
QJsonValue::Type type() const
bool operator!=(const QJsonValue &other) const
bool operator==(const QJsonValue &other) const
const QJsonValue operator[](const QString &key) const
const QJsonValue operator[](QStringView key) const
const QJsonValue operator[](QLatin1String key) const
const QJsonValue operator[](qsizetype i) const

Static Public Members

QJsonValue fromVariant(const QVariant &variant)

Detailed Description

A value in JSON can be one of 6 basic types:

JSON is a format to store structured data. It has 6 basic data types:

A value can represent any of the above data types. In addition, QJsonValue has one special flag to represent undefined values. This can be queried with isUndefined().

The type of the value can be queried with type() or accessors like isBool(), isString(), and so on. Likewise, the value can be converted to the type stored in it using the toBool(), toString() and so on.

Values are strictly typed internally and contrary to QVariant will not attempt to do any implicit type conversions. This implies that converting to a type that is not stored in the value will return a default constructed return value.


QJsonValueRef is a helper class for QJsonArray and QJsonObject. When you get an object of type QJsonValueRef, you can use it as if it were a reference to a QJsonValue. If you assign to it, the assignment will apply to the element in the QJsonArray or QJsonObject from which you got the reference.

The following methods return QJsonValueRef:

See also JSON Support in Qt and JSON Save Game Example.

Member Type Documentation

enum QJsonValue::Type

This enum describes the type of the JSON value.

Constant Value Description
QJsonValue::Null 0x0 A Null value
QJsonValue::Bool 0x1 A boolean value. Use toBool() to convert to a bool.
QJsonValue::Double 0x2 A number value. Use toDouble() to convert to a double, or toInteger() to convert to a qint64.
QJsonValue::String 0x3 A string. Use toString() to convert to a QString.
QJsonValue::Array 0x4 An array. Use toArray() to convert to a QJsonArray.
QJsonValue::Object 0x5 An object. Use toObject() to convert to a QJsonObject.
QJsonValue::Undefined 0x80 The value is undefined. This is usually returned as an error condition, when trying to read an out of bounds value in an array or a non existent key in an object.

Member Function Documentation

[since 5.10] QJsonValue::QJsonValue(QJsonValue &&other)

Move-constructs a QJsonValue from other.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(const QJsonValue &other)

Creates a copy of other.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(const QJsonObject &o)

Creates a value of type Object, with value o.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(const QJsonArray &a)

Creates a value of type Array, with value a.

[since 5.3] QJsonValue::QJsonValue(const char *s)

Creates a value of type String with value s, assuming UTF-8 encoding of the input.

You can disable this constructor by defining QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII when you compile your applications.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.3.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(QLatin1String s)

Creates a value of type String, with value s.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(const QString &s)

Creates a value of type String, with value s.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(qint64 v)

This is an overloaded function.

Creates a value of type Double, with value v. NOTE: the integer limits for IEEE 754 double precision data is 2^53 (-9007199254740992 to +9007199254740992). If you pass in values outside this range expect a loss of precision to occur.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(int v)

This is an overloaded function.

Creates a value of type Double, with value v.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(double v)

Creates a value of type Double, with value v.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(bool b)

Creates a value of type Bool, with value b.

QJsonValue::QJsonValue(QJsonValue::Type type = Null)

Creates a QJsonValue of type type.

The default is to create a Null value.

[since 5.10] QJsonValue &QJsonValue::operator=(QJsonValue &&other)

Move-assigns other to this value.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.

QJsonValue &QJsonValue::operator=(const QJsonValue &other)

Assigns the value stored in other to this object.


Destroys the value.

[static] QJsonValue QJsonValue::fromVariant(const QVariant &variant)

Converts variant to a QJsonValue and returns it.

The conversion will convert QVariant types as follows:

Source type Destination type
QJsonValue::String. The conversion will use QUrl::toString() with flag QUrl::FullyEncoded, so as to ensure maximum compatibility in parsing the URL
QJsonValue::String. Since Qt 5.11, the resulting string will not include braces
Whichever type QCborValue::toJsonValue() returns.
QJsonValue::Array. See QCborValue::toJsonValue() for conversion restrictions.
QJsonValue::Map. See QCborValue::toJsonValue() for conversion restrictions and the "stringification" of map keys.
Loss of information and other types

QVariant can carry more information than is representable in JSON. If the QVariant is not one of the types above, the conversion is not guaranteed and is subject to change in future versions of Qt, as the UUID one did. Code should strive not to use any other types than those listed above.

If QVariant::isNull() returns true, a null QJsonValue is returned or inserted into the list or object, regardless of the type carried by QVariant. Note the behavior change in Qt 6.0 affecting QVariant::isNull() also affects this function.

A floating point value that is either an infinity or NaN will be converted to a null JSON value. Since Qt 6.0, QJsonValue can store the full precision of any 64-bit signed integer without loss, but in previous versions values outside the range of ±2^53 may lose precision. Unsigned 64-bit values greater than or equal to 2^63 will either lose precision or alias to negative values, so QMetaType::ULongLong should be avoided.

For other types not listed above, a conversion to string will be attempted, usually but not always by calling QVariant::toString(). If the conversion fails the value is replaced by a null JSON value. Note that QVariant::toString() is also lossy for the majority of types. For example, if the passed QVariant is representing raw byte array data, it is recommended to pre-encode it to Base64 (or another lossless encoding), otherwise a lossy conversion using QString::fromUtf8() will be used.

Please note that the conversions via QVariant::toString() are subject to change at any time. Both QVariant and QJsonValue may be extended in the future to support more types, which will result in a change in how this function performs conversions.

See also toVariant() and QCborValue::fromVariant().

bool QJsonValue::isArray() const

Returns true if the value contains an array.

See also toArray().

bool QJsonValue::isBool() const

Returns true if the value contains a boolean.

See also toBool().

bool QJsonValue::isDouble() const

Returns true if the value contains a double.

See also toDouble().

bool QJsonValue::isNull() const

Returns true if the value is null.

bool QJsonValue::isObject() const

Returns true if the value contains an object.

See also toObject().

bool QJsonValue::isString() const

Returns true if the value contains a string.

See also toString().

bool QJsonValue::isUndefined() const

Returns true if the value is undefined. This can happen in certain error cases as e.g. accessing a non existing key in a QJsonObject.

[since 5.10] void QJsonValue::swap(QJsonValue &other)

Swaps the value other with this. This operation is very fast and never fails.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.

QJsonArray QJsonValue::toArray(const QJsonArray &defaultValue) const

Converts the value to an array and returns it.

If type() is not Array, the defaultValue will be returned.

QJsonArray QJsonValue::toArray() const

This is an overloaded function.

Converts the value to an array and returns it.

If type() is not Array, a QJsonArray() will be returned.

bool QJsonValue::toBool(bool defaultValue = false) const

Converts the value to a bool and returns it.

If type() is not bool, the defaultValue will be returned.

double QJsonValue::toDouble(double defaultValue = 0) const

Converts the value to a double and returns it.

If type() is not Double, the defaultValue will be returned.

[since 5.2] int QJsonValue::toInt(int defaultValue = 0) const

Converts the value to an int and returns it.

If type() is not Double or the value is not a whole number, the defaultValue will be returned.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.2.

[since 6.0] qint64 QJsonValue::toInteger(qint64 defaultValue = 0) const

Converts the value to an integer and returns it.

If type() is not Double or the value is not a whole number representable as qint64, the defaultValue will be returned.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.0.

QJsonObject QJsonValue::toObject(const QJsonObject &defaultValue) const

Converts the value to an object and returns it.

If type() is not Object, the defaultValue will be returned.

QJsonObject QJsonValue::toObject() const

This is an overloaded function.

Converts the value to an object and returns it.

If type() is not Object, the QJsonObject() will be returned.

QString QJsonValue::toString() const

Converts the value to a QString and returns it.

If type() is not String, a null QString will be returned.

See also QString::isNull().

QString QJsonValue::toString(const QString &defaultValue) const

Converts the value to a QString and returns it.

If type() is not String, the defaultValue will be returned.

QVariant QJsonValue::toVariant() const

Converts the value to a QVariant().

The QJsonValue types will be converted as follows:

Constant Description
Null QMetaType::Nullptr
Bool QMetaType::Bool
Double QMetaType::Double or QMetaType::LongLong
String QString
Array QVariantList
Object QVariantMap
Undefined QVariant()

See also fromVariant().

QJsonValue::Type QJsonValue::type() const

Returns the type of the value.

See also QJsonValue::Type.

bool QJsonValue::operator!=(const QJsonValue &other) const

Returns true if the value is not equal to other.

bool QJsonValue::operator==(const QJsonValue &other) const

Returns true if the value is equal to other.

[since 5.10] const QJsonValue QJsonValue::operator[](const QString &key) const

Returns a QJsonValue representing the value for the key key.

Equivalent to calling toObject().value(key).

The returned QJsonValue is QJsonValue::Undefined if the key does not exist, or if isObject() is false.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.

See also QJsonValue, QJsonValue::isUndefined(), and QJsonObject.

[since 5.14] const QJsonValue QJsonValue::operator[](QStringView key) const

This is an overloaded function.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.14.

[since 5.10] const QJsonValue QJsonValue::operator[](QLatin1String key) const

This is an overloaded function.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.

[since 5.10] const QJsonValue QJsonValue::operator[](qsizetype i) const

Returns a QJsonValue representing the value for index i.

Equivalent to calling toArray().at(i).

The returned QJsonValue is QJsonValue::Undefined, if i is out of bounds, or if isArray() is false.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.

See also QJsonValue, QJsonValue::isUndefined(), and QJsonArray.

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