


The fundamental behavior of qmake is influenced by variable declarations that define the build process of each project. Some of these declare resources, such as headers and source files, that are common to each platform. Others are used to customize the behavior of compilers and linkers on specific platforms.

Platform-specific variables follow the naming pattern of the variables which they extend or modify, but include the name of the relevant platform in their name. For example, a makespec may use QMAKE_LIBS to specify a list of libraries that each project needs to link against, and QMAKE_LIBS_X11 would be used to extend this list.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies a list of Android target ABIs. Valid values are: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64.

You can provide the ABIs as a qmake argument:

qmake ANDROID_ABIS="armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a"

Note: It is possible to use this variable inside the *.pro file, however, it is not recommended since it will override any ABIs specified on the qmake command line.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies the Android API level number. For more information, see Android Build Numbers.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies extra command-line arguments to the Android app using the AndroidManifest.xml with the tag "android.app.arguments". This takes a string of arguments:



Note: This variable applies only to Android modules.

This is useful when writing a Qt module. It specifies a list of pre-bundled dependencies used by the module in a .jar format, for example:



Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

By default, androiddeployqt will detect the dependencies of your application. However, since run-time usage of plugins cannot be detected, there could be false positives, as your application might depend on any plugin that is a potential dependency. If you want to minimize the size of your APK, it's possible to override the automatic detection using the this variable. This should contain a list of all Qt files which need to be included, with paths relative to the Qt install root.

Note: Only the Qt files specified with this variable are included. Failing to include all the correct files can result in crashes. It's also important to make sure the files are listed in the correct loading order. This variable provides a way to override the automatic detection entirely, so if a library is listed before its dependencies, it will fail to load on some devices.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies the path to the android-deployment-settings.json file needed by androiddeployqt and androidtestrunner. This overrides the path to the settings file generated by qmake, thus you have to make sure to provide a valid settings file.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

A list of external libraries that will be copied into your application's libs folder and loaded on start-up. This can be used, for instance, to enable OpenSSL in your application. For more information, see Adding OpenSSL Support for Android.

To include external libraries for multiple ABIs, where each ABIs has its own directory, use the following:

for (abi, ANDROID_ABIS): ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS += $$PWD/$${abi}/library_name.so

Otherwise, if the ABI is included in the library name, use the following:

for (abi, ANDROID_ABIS): ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS += $$PWD/library_name_$${abi}.so


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies a path to C++ plugins or resources that your application has to bundle but that cannot be delivered through the assets system, such as QML plugins. With this variable, androiddeployqt will make sure everything is packaged and deployed properly.

ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS must point to the directory where the extra plugin(s) are built. In addition, the build directory structure must follow a naming convention similar to Qt plugins, that is, plugins/<plugin name>.

The plugins libraries should have the name format libplugins_<type>_<name>_<abi>.so. To achieve that the plugin pro file could be defined as follows:

CONFIG += plugin

PLUGIN_TYPE = imageformats
DESTDIR = $$top_builddir/plugins/myplugin
TARGET = $$qt5LibraryTarget(myplugin, "plugins/$$PLUGIN_TYPE/")

with top_builddir defined in .qmake.conf as:


This will ensure that the correct name mangling is applied to the plugin library (plugins/myplugin/libplugins_imageformats_myplugin_armeabi-v7a.so).

Then, assuming an extra image format plugin myplugin is built as $$DESTDIR/plugins/myplugin/, the following ensures it is packaged correctly:

ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS += $$top_builddir/plugins


Note: This variable applies only to Android modules.

Specifies a module's features list:

ANDROID_FEATURES += android.hardware.location.gps

For more information, see Android <uses-feature> Docs.


Note: This variable applies only to Android modules.

This is useful when writing a Qt module. It specifies a list of pre-built dependencies used by the module, for example:



Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies the minimum Android API level for the project. By default, this variable is set to API level 23.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies the path for a custom Android package template. The Android package template contains:

  • AndroidManifest.xml file
  • build.gradle file and other Gradle scripts
  • res/values/libs.xml file

The path specified by this variable can contain custom Java classes under src directory. By default, the androiddeployqt tool copies the application template from the Qt for Android installation path into your project's build directory, then it copies the contents of the path specified by this variable on top of that, overwriting any existing files. For instance, you can make a custom AndroidManifest.xml for your application, then place this directly into the directory specified by this variable.


Note: This variable applies only to Android modules.

Specifies a module's permissions list:


For more information, see Android <uses-permission> Docs.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies the target Android API level for the project. By default, this variable is set to API level 30.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies the application's version number. For more information, see Android App Versioning.


Note: This variable applies only to Android targets.

Specifies the application's version in as a human readable string. For more information, see Android App Versioning.


Specifies project configuration and compiler options. The values are recognized internally by qmake and have special meaning.

The following CONFIG values control compiler and linker flags:

Option Description
release The project is to be built in release mode. If debug is also specified, the last one takes effect.
debug The project is to be built in debug mode.
debug_and_release The project is prepared to be built in both debug and release modes.
debug_and_release_target This option is set by default. If debug_and_release is also set, the debug and release builds end up in separate debug and release directories.
build_all If debug_and_release is specified, the project is built in both debug and release modes by default.
autogen_precompile_source Automatically generates a .cpp file that includes the precompiled header file specified in the .pro file.
ordered When using the subdirs template, this option specifies that the directories listed should be processed in the order in which they are given.

Note: The use of this option is discouraged. Specify dependencies as described in the SUBDIRS variable documentation.

precompile_header Enables support for the use of precompiled headers in projects.
precompile_header_c (MSVC only) Enables support for the use of precompiled headers for C files.
warn_on The compiler should output as many warnings as possible. If warn_off is also specified, the last one takes effect.
warn_off The compiler should output as few warnings as possible.
exceptions Exception support is enabled. Set by default.
exceptions_off Exception support is disabled.
ltcg Link time code generation is enabled. This option is off by default.
rtti RTTI support is enabled. By default, the compiler default is used.
rtti_off RTTI support is disabled. By default, the compiler default is used.
stl STL support is enabled. By default, the compiler default is used.
stl_off STL support is disabled. By default, the compiler default is used.
thread Thread support is enabled. This is enabled when CONFIG includes qt, which is the default.
no_utf8_source Specifies that the project's source files does not use the UTF-8 encoding. Instead, the compiler default is used.
hide_symbols Set the default visibility of symbols in the binary to hidden. By default, the compiler default is used.
c99 C99 support is enabled. This option has no effect if the compiler does not support C99, or can't select the C standard. By default, the compiler default is used.
c11 C11 support is enabled. This option has no effect if the compiler does not support C11, or can't select the C standard. By default, the compiler default is used.
c17 C17, also known as C18, support is enabled. This option has no effect if the compiler does not support C17, or can't select the C standard. By default, the compiler default is used.
c18 This is an alias for the c17 value.
strict_c Disables support for C compiler extensions. By default, they are enabled.
c++11 C++11 support is enabled. This option has no effect if the compiler does not support C++11, or can't select the C++ standard. By default, support is enabled.
c++14 C++14 support is enabled. This option has no effect if the compiler does not support C++14, or can't select the C++ standard. By default, support is enabled.
c++17 C++17 support is enabled. This option has no effect if the compiler does not support C++17, or can't select the C++ standard. By default, support is enabled.
c++1z Obsolete alias for c++17.
c++20 C++20 support is enabled. This option has no effect if the compiler does not support C++20, or can't select the C++ standard. By default, support is disabled.
c++2a Obsolete alias for c++20.
c++latest Support for the latest C++ language standard is enabled that is supported by the compiler. By default, this option is disabled.
strict_c++ Disables support for C++ compiler extensions. By default, they are enabled.
depend_includepath Appending the value of INCLUDEPATH to DEPENDPATH is enabled. Set by default.
lrelease Run lrelease for all files listed in TRANSLATIONS and EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS. If embed_translations is not set, install the generated .qm files into QM_FILES_INSTALL_PATH. Use QMAKE_LRELEASE_FLAGS to add options to the lrelease call. Not set by default.
embed_translations Embed the generated translations from lrelease in the executable, under QM_FILES_RESOURCE_PREFIX. Requires lrelease to be set, too. Not set by default.
create_libtool Create a libtool .la file for the currently built library.
create_pc Create a pkg-config .pc file for the currently built library.
no_batch NMake only: Turn off generation of NMake batch rules or inference rules.
skip_target_version_ext Suppress the automatic version number appended to the DLL file name on Windows.
suppress_vcproj_warnings Suppress warnings of the VS project generator.
windeployqt Automatically invoke windeployqt after linking, and add the output as deployment items.
dont_recurse Suppress qmake recursion for the current subproject.
no_include_pwd Do not add the current directory to INCLUDEPATHS.
compile_included_sources By default, qmake does not compile source files that are included in other source files. This option disables this behavior.

When you use the debug_and_release option (which is the default under Windows), the project will be processed three times: one time to produce a "meta" Makefile, and two more times to produce a Makefile.Debug and a Makefile.Release.

During the latter passes, build_pass and the respective debug or release option is appended to CONFIG. This makes it possible to perform build-specific tasks. For example:

build_pass:CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
    unix: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug)
    else: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d)

As an alternative to manually writing build type conditionals, some variables offer build-specific variants, for example QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE in addition to the general QMAKE_LFLAGS. These should be used when available.

The meta Makefile makes the sub-builds invokable via the debug and release targets, and a combined build via the all target. When the build_all CONFIG option is used, the combined build is the default. Otherwise, the last specified CONFIG option from the set (debug, release) determines the default. In this case, you can explicitly invoke the all target to build both configurations at once:

make all

Note: The details are slightly different when producing Visual Studio and Xcode projects.

When linking a library, qmake relies on the underlying platform to know what other libraries this library links against. However, if linking statically, qmake will not get this information unless we use the following CONFIG options:

Option Description
create_prl This option enables qmake to track these dependencies. When this option is enabled, qmake will create a file with the extension .prl which will save meta-information about the library (see Library Dependencies for more info).
link_prl When this option is enabled, qmake will process all libraries linked to by the application and find their meta-information (see Library Dependencies for more info).
no_install_prl This option disables the generation of installation rules for generated .prl files.

Note: The create_prl option is required when building a static library, while link_prl is required when using a static library.

The following options define the application or library type:

Option Description
qt The target is a Qt application or library and requires the Qt library and header files. The proper include and library paths for the Qt library will automatically be added to the project. This is defined by default, and can be fine-tuned with the \l{#qt}{QT} variable.
x11 The target is an X11 application or library. The proper include paths and libraries will automatically be added to the project.
testcase The target is an automated test. A check target will be added to the generated Makefile to run the test. Only relevant when generating Makefiles.
insignificant_test The exit code of the automated test will be ignored. Only relevant if testcase is also set.
windows The target is a Win32 window application (app only). The proper include paths, compiler flags and libraries will automatically be added to the project.
console The target is a Win32 console application (app only). The proper include paths, compiler flags and libraries will automatically be added to the project. Consider using the option cmdline for cross-platform applications.
cmdline The target is a cross-platform command line application. On Windows, this implies CONFIG += console. On macOS, this implies CONFIG -= app_bundle.
shared The target is a shared object/DLL. The proper include paths, compiler flags and libraries will automatically be added to the project. Note that dll can also be used on all platforms; a shared library file with the appropriate suffix for the target platform (.dll or .so) will be created.
static The target is a static library (lib only). The proper compiler flags will automatically be added to the project.
plugin The target is a plugin (lib only). This enables dll as well.
designer The target is a plugin for Qt Designer.
no_lflags_merge Ensures that the list of libraries stored in the LIBS variable is not reduced to a list of unique values before it is used.
metatypes Create a <name>_metatypes.json file for the current project. <name> is the all lowercase base name of TARGET.
qmltypes Automatically register QML types defined in C++. For more information, see Defining QML Types from C++. Also, create a <template>.qmltypes file for the current project. <template> will be plugins (plural, for historical reasons) if plugin is set, or the value of TEMPLATE otherwise. qmltypes implies metatypes.

These options define specific features on Windows only:

Option Description
flat When using the vcapp template this will put all the source files into the source group and the header files into the header group regardless of what directory they reside in. Turning this option off will group the files within the source/header group depending on the directory they reside. This is turned on by default.
embed_manifest_dll Embeds a manifest file in the DLL created as part of a library project.
embed_manifest_exe Embeds a manifest file in the EXE created as part of an application project.

See Platform Notes for more information about the options for embedding manifest files.

The following options take an effect only on macOS:

Option Description
app_bundle Puts the executable into a bundle (this is the default).
lib_bundle Puts the library into a library bundle.
plugin_bundle Puts the plugin into a plugin bundle. This value is not supported by the Xcode project generator.

The build process for bundles is also influenced by the contents of the QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA variable.

The following options take an effect only on Linux/Unix platforms:

Option Description
largefile Includes support for large files.
separate_debug_info Puts debugging information for libraries in separate files.

The CONFIG variable will also be checked when resolving scopes. You may assign anything to this variable.

For example:

CONFIG += console newstuff
newstuff {
    SOURCES += new.cpp
    HEADERS += new.h


qmake adds the values of this variable as compiler C preprocessor macros (-D option).

For example:



Specifies preprocessor defines for the debug configuration. The values of this variable get added to DEFINES after the project is loaded. This variable is typically set in qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

This variable was introduced in Qt 5.13.2.


Specifies preprocessor defines for the release configuration. The values of this variable get added to DEFINES after the project is loaded. This variable is typically set in qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

Note: For MSVC mkspecs, this variable contains the value NDEBUG by default.

This variable was introduced in Qt 5.13.2.


Note: This variable is used only on Windows when using the app template.

Specifies a .def file to be included in the project.


Specifies a list of directories for qmake to scan, to resolve dependencies. This variable is used when qmake crawls through the header files that you #include in your source code.


Specifies where to put the target file.

For example:

DESTDIR = ../../lib

Note: The list of supported characters can depend on the used build tool. In particular, parentheses do not work with make.


Specifies a list of files to be included in the dist target. This feature is supported by UnixMake specs only.

For example:

DISTFILES += ../program.txt


Note: This variable applies only to Windows targets.

Specifies where to copy the target dll.


Specifies a list of translation (.ts) files that contain translations of the user interface text into non-native languages.

In contrast to TRANSLATIONS, translation files in EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS will be processed only by lrelease, not lupdate.

You can use CONFIG += lrelease to automatically compile the files during the build, and CONFIG += lrelease embed_translations to make them available in The Qt Resource System.

See the Qt Linguist Manual for more information about internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) with Qt.


Specifies the UI files (see Qt Designer Manual) to be processed by uic before compiling. All dependencies, headers and source files required to build these UI files will automatically be added to the project.

For example:

FORMS = mydialog.ui \
    mywidget.ui \


Specifies the GUID that is set inside a .vcproj file. The GUID is usually randomly determined. However, should you require a fixed GUID, it can be set using this variable.

This variable is specific to .vcproj files only; it is ignored otherwise.


Defines the header files for the project.

qmake automatically detects whether moc is required by the classes in the headers, and adds the appropriate dependencies and files to the project for generating and linking the moc files.

For example:

HEADERS = myclass.h \
          login.h \

See also SOURCES.


This variable is used only on Mac OS to set the application icon. Please see the application icon documentation for more information.


This variable is used only on Windows for the Visual Studio project generation to put the specified files in the Generated Files folder.


Specifies the #include directories which should be searched when compiling the project.

For example:

INCLUDEPATH = c:/msdev/include d:/stl/include

To specify a path containing spaces, quote the path using the technique described in Whitespace.

win32:INCLUDEPATH += "C:/mylibs/extra headers"
unix:INCLUDEPATH += "/home/user/extra headers"


Specifies a list of resources that will be installed when make install or a similar installation procedure is executed. Each item in the list is typically defined with attributes that provide information about where it will be installed.

For example, the following target.path definition describes where the build target will be installed, and the INSTALLS assignment adds the build target to the list of existing resources to be installed:

target.path += $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats
INSTALLS += target

INSTALLS has a .CONFIG member that can take several values:

Value Description
no_check_exist If not set, qmake looks to see if the files to install actually exist. If these files don't exist, qmake doesn’t create the install rule. Use this config value if you need to install files that are generated as part of your build process, like HTML files created by qdoc.
nostrip If set, the typical Unix strip functionality is turned off and the debug information will remain in the binary.
executable On Unix, this sets the executable flag.
no_build When you do a make install, and you don't have a build of the project yet, the project is first built, and then installed. If you don't want this behavior, set this config value to ensure that the build target is not added as a dependency to the install target.
no_default_install A project has a top-level project target where, when you do a make install, everything is installed. But, if you have an install target with this config value set, it's not installed by default. You then have to explicitly say make install_<file>.

For more information, see Installing Files.

This variable is also used to specify which additional files will be deployed to embedded devices.


Note: This variable is useful only to Android targets.

Specifies the JDK/OpenJDK installation path used for building the project.


Specifies a list of Lex implementation files. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the names of intermediate Lex object files. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies a list of Lex source files. All dependencies, headers and source files will automatically be added to the project for building these lex files.

For example:

LEXSOURCES = lexer.l


Specifies a list of libraries to be linked into the project. If you use the Unix -l (library) and -L (library path) flags, qmake handles the libraries correctly on Windows (that is, passes the full path of the library to the linker). The library must exist for qmake to find the directory where a -l lib is located.

For example:

unix:LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lmath
win32:LIBS += c:/mylibs/math.lib

To specify a path containing spaces, quote the path using the technique described in Whitespace.

win32:LIBS += "C:/mylibs/extra libs/extra.lib"
unix:LIBS += "-L/home/user/extra libs" -lextra

By default, the list of libraries stored in LIBS is reduced to a list of unique names before it is used. To change this behavior, add the no_lflags_merge option to the CONFIG variable:

CONFIG += no_lflags_merge


Specifies a list of libraries to be linked privately into the project. The behavior of this variable is identical to LIBS, except that shared library projects built for Unix do not expose these dependencies in their link interface.

The effect of this is that if project C depends on library B which depends on library A privately, but C also wants to use symbols from A directly, it needs to link to A explicitly. Put differently, libraries linked privately are not exposed transitively at build time.


This variable is used whenever a literal hash character (#) is needed in a variable declaration, perhaps as part of a file name or in a string passed to some external application.

For example:

# To include a literal hash character, use the $$LITERAL_HASH variable:
urlPieces = http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtextdocument.html pageCount
message($$join(urlPieces, $$LITERAL_HASH))

By using LITERAL_HASH in this way, the # character can be used to construct a URL for the message() function to print to the console.


Specifies the name of the generated Makefile. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the name of the Makefile generator to use when generating a Makefile. The value of this variable is typically handled internally by qmake and rarely needs to be modified.


These variables are handled internally by qmake and should not be modified or utilized.


Specifies the directory where all intermediate moc files should be placed.

For example:

unix:MOC_DIR = ../myproject/tmp
win32:MOC_DIR = c:/myproject/tmp


Defines the Objective-C++ header files for the project.

qmake automatically detects whether moc is required by the classes in the headers, and adds the appropriate dependencies and files to the project for generating and linking the moc files.

This is similar to the HEADERS variable, but will let the generated moc files be compiled with the Objective-C++ compiler.



Specifies the names of all Objective-C/C++ source files in the project.

This variable is now obsolete, Objective-C/C++ files (.m and .mm) can be added to the SOURCES variable.



This variable is automatically populated from the SOURCES variable. The extension of each source file is replaced by .o (Unix) or .obj (Win32). You can add objects to the list.


Specifies the directory where all intermediate objects should be placed.

For example:

unix:OBJECTS_DIR = ../myproject/tmp
win32:OBJECTS_DIR = c:/myproject/tmp


Lists the libraries that the target depends on. Some backends, such as the generators for Visual Studio and Xcode project files, do not support this variable. Generally, this variable is supported internally by these build tools, and it is useful for explicitly listing dependent static libraries.

This list is placed after all builtin (and $$PRE_TARGETDEPS) dependencies.


Lists libraries that the target depends on. Some backends, such as the generators for Visual Studio and Xcode project files, do not support this variable. Generally, this variable is supported internally by these build tools, and it is useful for explicitly listing dependent static libraries.

This list is placed before all builtin dependencies.


Indicates the header file for creating a precompiled header file, to increase the compilation speed of a project. Precompiled headers are currently only supported on some platforms (Windows - all MSVC project types, Apple - Xcode, Makefile, Unix - gcc 3.3 and up).


Specifies the full path leading to the directory containing the current file being parsed. This can be useful to refer to files within the source tree when writing project files to support shadow builds.

See also _PRO_FILE_PWD_.

Note: Do not attempt to overwrite the value of this variable.


Specifies the full path leading to the directory where qmake places the generated Makefile.

Note: Do not attempt to overwrite the value of this variable.


Specifies the directory in the resource system where .qm files will be made available by CONFIG += embed_translations.

The default is :/i18n/.


Specifies the target directory .qm files generated by CONFIG += lrelease will be installed to. Does not have any effect if CONFIG += embed_translations is set.


This variable is only used by Qt Creator. See Qt Creator: Using QML Modules with Plugins for details.


Specifies the name of the qmake program itself and is placed in generated Makefiles. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


A system variable that contains the full path of the qmake configuration that is used when generating Makefiles. The value of this variable is automatically computed.

Note: Do not attempt to overwrite the value of this variable.


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies the command to execute when creating a shared library. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS only.

Specifies the data that will be installed with a library bundle, and is often used to specify a collection of header files.

For example, the following lines add path/to/header_one.h and path/to/header_two.h to a group containing information about the headers supplied with the framework:

FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.version = Versions
FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.files = path/to/header_one.h path/to/header_two.h

The last line adds the information about the headers to the collection of resources that will be installed with the library bundle.

Library bundles are created when the lib_bundle option is added to the CONFIG variable.

See Platform Notes for more information about creating library bundles.


Note: This variable is used on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS only.

Specifies the extension to be used for library bundles. This allows frameworks to be created with custom extensions instead of the standard .framework directory name extension.

For example, the following definition will result in a framework with the .myframework extension:



Specifies the C compiler that will be used when building projects containing C source code. Only the file name of the compiler executable needs to be specified as long as it is on a path contained in the PATH variable when the Makefile is processed.


Specifies the C compiler flags for building a project. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified. The flags specific to debug and release modes can be adjusted by modifying the QMAKE_CFLAGS_DEBUG and QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE variables, respectively.


Specifies the C compiler flags for debug builds. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the C compiler flags for release builds. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the C compiler flags for release builds where force_debug_info is set in CONFIG. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies the compiler flags for creating a shared library. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the compiler flags for creating a multi-threaded application. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


This variable is used only when the warn_off CONFIG option is set. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


This variable is used only when the warn_on CONFIG option is set. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies a list of generated files (by moc and uic, for example) and object files to be removed by make clean.


Specifies the C++ compiler that will be used when building projects containing C++ source code. Only the file name of the compiler executable needs to be specified as long as it is on a path contained in the PATH variable when the Makefile is processed.


Specifies the C++ compiler flags for building a project. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified. The flags specific to debug and release modes can be adjusted by modifying the QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG and QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE variables, respectively.


Specifies the C++ compiler flags for debug builds. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the C++ compiler flags for release builds. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the C++ compiler flags for release builds where force_debug_info is set in CONFIG. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the C++ compiler flags for creating a shared library. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the C++ compiler flags for creating a multi-threaded application. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the C++ compiler flags for suppressing compiler warnings. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies C++ compiler flags for generating compiler warnings. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS only.

The identifier of a development team to use for signing certificates and provisioning profiles.


Specifies a list of files to be removed by make distclean.


Contains the extension for shared libraries. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

Note: Platform-specific variables that change the extension override the contents of this variable.


Contains the extension for shared static libraries. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Contains the extension used on included moc files.

See also File Extensions.


Contains the extension used on Qt Designer UI files.

See also File Extensions.


Contains the extension used on created PRL files.

See also File Extensions, Library Dependencies.


Contains the extension used on files given to Lex.

See also File Extensions, LEXSOURCES.


Contains the extension used on files given to Yacc.

See also File Extensions, YACCSOURCES.


Contains the extension used on generated object files.

See also File Extensions.


Contains suffixes for files that should be interpreted as C++ source code.

See also File Extensions.


Contains suffixes for files which should be interpreted as C header files.

See also File Extensions.


Specifies a list of additional compilers or preprocessors.

See also Adding Compilers.


Specifies a list of additional qmake targets.

See also Adding Custom Targets.


Contains the list of failed requirements. The value of this variable is set by qmake and cannot be modified.

See also requires() and REQUIRES.


Note: This variable is used on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS only.

In a framework project, this variable contains the name to be used for the framework that is built.

By default, this variable contains the same value as the TARGET variable.

See Creating Frameworks for more information about creating frameworks and library bundles.


Note: This variable is used on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS only.

For projects where the build target is a macOS, iOS, tvOS, or watchOS framework, this variable is used to specify the version number that will be applied to the framework that is built.

By default, this variable contains the same value as the VERSION variable.

See Creating Frameworks for more information about creating frameworks.


Provides information about the host machine running qmake. For example, you can retrieve the host machine architecture from QMAKE_HOST.arch.

Keys Values
.arch Host architecture
.os Host OS
.cpu_count Number of available cpus
.name Host computer name
.version Host OS version number
.version_string Host OS version string
win32-g++:contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):{
    message("Host is 64bit")


Specifies the list of system header paths that are appended to INCLUDEPATH. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the location of EGL header files to be added to INCLUDEPATH when building a target with OpenGL/ES or OpenVG support. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the location of OpenGL header files to be added to INCLUDEPATH when building a target with OpenGL support. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

If the OpenGL implementation uses EGL (most OpenGL/ES systems), then QMAKE_INCDIR_EGL may also need to be set.


This variable specifies the location of OpenGL header files to be added to INCLUDEPATH when building a target with OpenGL ES 2 support.

The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

If the OpenGL implementation uses EGL (most OpenGL/ES systems), then QMAKE_INCDIR_EGL may also need to be set.


Specifies the location of OpenVG header files to be added to INCLUDEPATH when building a target with OpenVG support. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

If the OpenVG implementation uses EGL then QMAKE_INCDIR_EGL may also need to be set.


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies the location of X11 header file paths to be added to INCLUDEPATH when building an X11 target. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS platforms only.

Specifies the name of the property list file, .plist, you would like to include in your macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS application bundle.

In the .plist file, you can define some variables which qmake will replace with the relevant values:

Placeholder(s) Effect
${PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}, @BUNDLEIDENTIFIER@ Expands to the target bundle's bundle identifier string, for example: com.example.myapp. Determined by concatenating the values of QMAKE_TARGET_BUNDLE_PREFIX and QMAKE_BUNDLE, separated by a full stop (.).
${EXECUTABLE_NAME}, @EXECUTABLE@, @LIBRARY@ Equivalent to the value of QMAKE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE_NAME, QMAKE_PLUGIN_BUNDLE_NAME, or QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_NAME (depending on the type of target being created), or TARGET if none of the previous values are set.
${QMAKE_FULL_VERSION}, @FULL_VERSION@ Expands to the value of VERSION expressed with three version components.
${QMAKE_SHORT_VERSION}, @SHORT_VERSION@ Expands to the value of VERSION expressed with two version components.

Note: When using the Xcode generator, the above ${var}-style placeholders are replaced directly by the Xcode build system and are not handled by qmake. The @var@ style placeholders work only with the qmake Makefile generators and not with the Xcode generator.

If building for iOS, and the .plist file contains the key NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription, qmake will include an additional plugin to the build that adds photo access support (to, e.g., QFile/QFileDialog). See Info.plist documentation from Apple for more information regarding this key.

Note: Most of the time, the default Info.plist is good enough.


Note: This variable is used on the iOS platform only.

Specifies the hard minimum version of iOS that the application supports.

For more information, see Expressing Supported iOS Versions.


Note: This variable is used on the iOS platform only.

Specifies the launch screen that is used by the application. If this is not set then a default launch screen is used.


Specifies a general set of flags that are passed to the linker. If you need to change the flags used for a particular platform or type of project, use one of the specialized variables for that purpose instead of this variable.


Note: This variable is used on Windows only.

Specifies the linker flags for building console programs. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags for debug builds. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags for building plugins. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies the linker flags needed to use the values from QMAKE_RPATHDIR.

The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags needed to enable relative paths in QMAKE_RPATHDIR.

The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the string the dynamic linker understands to be the location of the referring executable or library.

The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

Specifies the linker flags needed to use the values from QMAKE_RPATHLINKDIR.

The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags for release builds. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags for release builds where force_debug_info is set in CONFIG. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags for building applications. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags used for building shared libraries. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags for setting the name of shared objects, such as .so or .dll. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the linker flags for building multi-threaded projects. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on Windows only.

Specifies the linker flags for building Windows GUI projects (that is, non-console applications). The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies a list of library search paths for all projects. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

To specify additional search paths in project files, use LIBS like that, instead:

LIBS += -L/path/to/libraries


Specifies a list of system library search paths for all projects. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies the location of all library directories with -L prefixed. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the location of the EGL library directory, when EGL is used with OpenGL/ES or OpenVG. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the location of the OpenGL library directory. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

If the OpenGL implementation uses EGL (most OpenGL/ES systems), then QMAKE_LIBDIR_EGL may also need to be set.


Specifies the location of the OpenVG library directory. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

If the OpenVG implementation uses EGL, then QMAKE_LIBDIR_EGL may also need to be set.


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies the location of the X11 library directory. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies additional libraries each project needs to link against. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

To specify libraries in a project file, use LIBS instead.


Specifies additional private libraries each project needs to link against. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

To specify private libraries in a library project file, use LIBS_PRIVATE instead.


Specifies all EGL libraries when building Qt with OpenGL/ES or OpenVG. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified. The usual value is -lEGL.


Specifies all OpenGL libraries. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

If the OpenGL implementation uses EGL (most OpenGL/ES systems), then QMAKE_LIBS_EGL may also need to be set.


These variables specify all the OpenGL libraries for OpenGL ES 1 and OpenGL ES 2.

The value of these variables is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

If the OpenGL implementation uses EGL (most OpenGL/ES systems), then QMAKE_LIBS_EGL may also need to be set.


Specifies all OpenVG libraries. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified. The usual value is -lOpenVG.

Some OpenVG engines are implemented on top of OpenGL. This will be detected at configure time and QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL will be implicitly added to QMAKE_LIBS_OPENVG wherever the OpenVG libraries are linked.

If the OpenVG implementation uses EGL, then QMAKE_LIBS_EGL may also need to be set.


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies all libraries that need to be linked against when building a multi-threaded target. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies all X11 libraries. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


This variable is not empty if the lib template is specified. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

Specifies the linker that will be used when building application based projects. Only the file name of the linker executable needs to be specified as long as it is on a path contained in the PATH variable when the Makefile is processed. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.

Specifies the command to execute when creating a shared library. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the command to execute when creating a link to a shared library. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


List of additional options passed to lrelease when enabled through CONFIG += lrelease.


Specifies the Objective C/C++ compiler flags for building a project. These flags are used in addition to QMAKE_CFLAGS and QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.


Specifies the command to execute after linking the TARGET together. This variable is normally empty and therefore nothing is executed.

Note: This variable takes no effect on Xcode projects.

Specifies the command to execute before linking the TARGET together. This variable is normally empty and therefore nothing is executed.

Note: This variable takes no effect on Xcode projects.


Note: This variable is used for Visual Studio project files only.

Determines the name of the project when generating project files for IDEs. The default value is the target name. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake and rarely needs to be modified.


Note: This variable is used on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS only.

The UUID of a valid provisioning profile. Use in conjunction with QMAKE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM to specify the provisioning profile.

Note: Specifying the provisioning profile disables the automatically managed signing.


This variable is used on macOS when building universal binaries.


Note: This variable is used on the macOS platform only.

Specifies the hard minimum version of macOS that the application supports.

For more information, see macOS Supported Versions.


Specifies the name of the Makefile to create. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Contains the absolute path of the qmake executable.

Note: Do not attempt to overwrite the value of this variable.


This variable is used to customize the list of options passed to the Resource Compiler in each of the build rules where it is used. For example, the following line ensures that the -threshold and -compress options are used with particular values each time that rcc is invoked:

QMAKE_RESOURCE_FLAGS += -threshold 0 -compress 9


Note: This variable is used on Unix platforms only.

Specifies a list of library paths that are added to the executable at link time so that the paths will be preferentially searched at runtime.

When relative paths are specified, qmake will mangle them into a form understood by the dynamic linker to be relative to the location of the referring executable or library. This is supported only by some platforms (currently Linux and Darwin-based ones) and is detectable by checking whether QMAKE_REL_RPATH_BASE is set.


Specifies a list of library paths for the static linker to search for implicit dependencies of shared libraries. For more information, see the manual page for ld(1).


Specifies the individual rule needed to build an object. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the individual rule needed to build an object. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the individual rule needed to build an object. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the individual rule needed to build an object. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


If defined, the value of this variable is used as a path to be prepended to the built shared library's SONAME identifier. The SONAME is the identifier that the dynamic linker will later use to reference the library. In general, this reference may be a library name or full library path. On macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS, the path may be specified relatively using the following placeholders:

Placeholder Effect
@rpath Expands to paths defined by LC_RPATH mach-o commands in the current process executable or the referring libraries.
@executable_path Expands to the current process executable location.
@loader_path Expands to the referring executable or library location.

In most cases, using @rpath is sufficient and recommended:

# <project root>/project.pro

However, the prefix may be also specified using different placeholders, or an absolute path, such as one of the following:

# <project root>/project.pro
QMAKE_SONAME_PREFIX = @executable_path/../Frameworks
QMAKE_SONAME_PREFIX = @loader_path/Frameworks
QMAKE_SONAME_PREFIX = /Library/Frameworks

For more information, see dyld documentation on dynamic library install names.


Specifies the name of the project target. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Windows only. Specifies the company for the project target; this is used where applicable for putting the company name in the application's properties. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Windows only. Specifies the description for the project target; this is used where applicable for putting the description in the application's properties. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.

Windows only. Specifies the copyright information for the project target; this is used where applicable for putting the copyright information in the application's properties. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Windows only. Specifies the product for the project target; this is used where applicable for putting the product in the application's properties. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Windows only. Specifies the original file name for the project target; this is used where applicable for putting the original file name in the application's properties. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Windows only. Specifies the internal name for the project target; this is used where applicable for putting the internal name in the application's properties. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Windows only. Specifies the comments for the project target; this is used where applicable for putting the comments in the application's properties. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Windows only. Specifies the trademark information for the project target; this is used where applicable for putting the trademark information in the application's properties. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Windows only. Specifies the manifest file for the project target. This is only utilized if the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set. Don't forget to remove embed_manifest_exe and embed_manifest_dll from the CONFIG variable, otherwise it will conflict with the compiler generated one.


Note: This variable is used on the tvOS platform only.

Specifies the hard minimum version of tvOS that the application supports.

For more information, see Expressing Supported iOS Versions.


This variable is used to customize the list of options passed to the User Interface Compiler in each of the build rules where it is used.


Note: This variable is used on the watchOS platform only.

Specifies the hard minimum version of watchOS that the application supports.

For more information, see Expressing Supported iOS Versions.


Specifies the major version to be used for automatically generated QML type registrations. For more information, see Defining QML Types from C++.


When automatically registering QML types defined in C++, register an additional version of the module using this minor version. Generally, minor versions to be registered are inferred from the meta objects.

You can use this variable if the meta objects have not changed and you still want to import a QML module with a newer minor version number. For example, MyModule metaobjects are at 1.1 level, but you want to import the module as 1.3.


Specifies QML_IMPORT_MAJOR_VERSION and QML_IMPORT_MINOR_VERSION as a <major>.<minor> version string.


Specifies the module name to be used for automatically generated QML type registrations. For more information, see Defining QML Types from C++.


Specifies further JSON files with metatypes to be considered when generating qmltypes files. Use this when external libraries provide types that are exposed to QML, either directly or as base types or properties of other types. Qt types will automatically be considered and don't have to be added here.


Specifies the Qt modules that are used by your project. For the value to add for each module, see the module documentation.

At the C++ implementation level, using a Qt module makes its headers available for inclusion and causes it to be linked to the binary.

By default, QT contains core and gui, ensuring that standard GUI applications can be built without further configuration.

If you want to build a project without the Qt GUI module, you need to exclude the gui value with the "-=" operator. The following line will result in a minimal Qt project being built:

QT -= gui # Only the core module is used.

If your project is a Qt Designer plugin, use the value uiplugin to specify that the project is to be built as a library, but with specific plugin support for Qt Designer. For more information, see Building and Installing the Plugin.


Specifies a list of names of static Qt plugins that are to be linked with an application so that they are available as built-in resources.

qmake automatically adds the plugins that are typically needed by the used Qt modules (see QT). The defaults are tuned towards an optimal out-of-the-box experience. See Static Plugins for a list of available plugins, and ways to override the automatic linking.

This variable currently has no effect when linking against a shared/dynamic build of Qt, or when linking libraries. It may be used for deployment of dynamic plugins at a later time.


Contains the current version of Qt.


Contains the current major version of Qt.


Contains the current minor version of Qt.


Contains the current patch version of Qt.


Windows only. Specifies the name of the Windows resource file (.rc) for the target. See Adding Windows Resource Files.


Windows only. Specifies the codepage that should be specified in a generated .rc file. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Windows only. qmake adds the values of this variable as RC preprocessor macros (/d option). If this variable is not set, the DEFINES variable is used instead.



Windows only. Specifies the icons that should be included into a generated .rc file. This is only utilized if the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variable are not set. More details about the generation of .rc files can be found in the Platform Notes.


Windows only. Specifies the language that should be specified in a generated .rc file. This is only utilized if the VERSION or RC_ICONS variable is set and the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set.


Specifies include paths that are passed to the Windows Resource Compiler.


Specifies the directory for Qt Resource Compiler output files.

For example:

unix:RCC_DIR = ../myproject/resources
win32:RCC_DIR = c:/myproject/resources


Specifies a list of values that are evaluated as conditions. If any of the conditions is false, qmake skips this project (and its SUBDIRS) when building.

Note: We recommend using the requires() function instead if you want to skip projects or subprojects when building.


Specifies the name of the resource collection files (qrc) for the target. For more information about the resource collection file, see The Qt Resource System.


Windows only. Specifies the name of the Windows resource compiler's output file for this target. See RC_FILE and Adding Windows Resource Files.

The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the names of all source files in the project.

For example:

SOURCES = myclass.cpp \
      login.cpp \

See also HEADERS.


This variable, when used with the subdirs template specifies the names of all subdirectories or project files that contain parts of the project that need to be built. Each subdirectory specified using this variable must contain its own project file.

It is recommended that the project file in each subdirectory has the same base name as the subdirectory itself, because that makes it possible to omit the file name. For example, if the subdirectory is called myapp, the project file in that directory should be called myapp.pro.

Alternatively, you can specify a relative path to a .pro file in any directory. It is strongly recommended that you specify only paths in the current project's parent directory or its subdirectories.

For example:

SUBDIRS = kernel \
          tools \

If you need to ensure that the subdirectories are built in a particular order, use the .depends modifier on the relevant SUBDIRS elements.

For example:

SUBDIRS += my_executable my_library tests doc
my_executable.depends = my_library
tests.depends = my_executable

The configuration above ensures that my_library is built before my_executable and that my_executable is built before tests. However, doc can be built in parallel with the other subdirectories, thus speeding up the build process.

Note: Multiple dependencies can be listed and they will all be built before the target that depends on them.

Note: Using CONFIG += ordered is discouraged as it can slow down multi-core builds. Unlike the example shown above, all builds will happen sequentially even if they don't have dependencies.

Beside defining the build order, it is possible to modify the default behavior of SUBDIRS by giving additional modifiers to SUBDIRS elements. Supported modifiers are:

Modifier Effect
.subdir Use the specified subdirectory instead of SUBDIRS value.
.file Specify the subproject pro file explicitly. Cannot be used in conjunction with .subdir modifier.
.depends This subproject depends on specified subproject(s).
.makefile The makefile of subproject. Available only on platforms that use makefiles.
.target Base string used for makefile targets related to this subproject. Available only on platforms that use makefiles.

For example, define two subdirectories, both of which reside in a different directory than the SUBDIRS value, and one of the subdirectories must be built before the other:

SUBDIRS += my_executable my_library
my_executable.subdir = app
my_executable.depends = my_library
my_library.subdir = lib


Specifies the name of the target file. Contains the base name of the project file by default.

For example:

TARGET = myapp
SOURCES = main.cpp

The project file above would produce an executable named myapp on unix and myapp.exe on Windows.


Specifies the extension of TARGET. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the extension of TARGET with a major version number. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the extension of TARGET with a version number. The value of this variable is typically handled by qmake or qmake.conf and rarely needs to be modified.


Specifies the name of the template to use when generating the project. The allowed values are:

Option Description
app Creates a Makefile for building applications (the default). See Building an Application for more information.
lib Creates a Makefile for building libraries. See Building a Library for more information.
subdirs Creates a Makefile for building targets in subdirectories. The subdirectories are specified using the SUBDIRS variable.
aux Creates a Makefile for not building anything. Use this if no compiler needs to be invoked to create the target; for instance, because your project is written in an interpreted language.

Note: This template type is only available for Makefile-based generators. In particular, it will not work with the vcxproj and Xcode generators.

vcapp Windows only. Creates an application project for Visual Studio. See Creating Visual Studio Project Files for more information.
vclib Windows only. Creates a library project for Visual Studio.

For example:

SOURCES = main.cpp
TARGET = mylib

The template can be overridden by specifying a new template type with the -t command line option. This overrides the template type after the .pro file has been processed. With .pro files that use the template type to determine how the project is built, it is necessary to declare TEMPLATE on the command line rather than use the -t option.


Specifies a list of translation (.ts) files that contain translations of the user interface text into non-native languages.

Translation files in TRANSLATIONS will be processed by both lrelease and Using lupdate tools. Use EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS if you want only lrelease to process a file.

You can use CONFIG += lrelease to automatically compile the files during the build, and CONFIG += lrelease embed_translations to make them available in The Qt Resource System.

See the Qt Linguist Manual for more information about internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) with Qt.


Specifies the directory where all intermediate files from uic should be placed.

For example:

unix:UI_DIR = ../myproject/ui
win32:UI_DIR = c:/myproject/ui


Specifies the version number of the application if the app template is specified or the version number of the library if the lib template is specified.

On Windows, triggers auto-generation of an .rc file if the RC_FILE and RES_FILE variables are not set. The generated .rc file will have the FILEVERSION and PRODUCTVERSION entries filled with major, minor, patch level, and build number. Each number must be in the range from 0 to 65535. More details about the generation of .rc files can be found in the Platform Notes.

For example:

win32:VERSION = # major.minor.patch.build
else:VERSION = 1.2.3    # major.minor.patch


Windows only. Specifies the version number, that the Windows linker puts into the header of the .exe or .dll file via the /VERSION option. Only a major and minor version may be specified. If VERSION_PE_HEADER is not set, it falls back to the major and minor version from VERSION (if set).



Specifies the major version number of the library if the lib template is specified.


Specifies the minor version number of the library if the lib template is specified.


Specifies the patch version number of the library if the lib template is specified.


Tells qmake where to search for files it cannot open. For example, if qmake looks for SOURCES and finds an entry that it cannot open, it looks through the entire VPATH list to see if it can find the file on its own.



Specifies the targeted Windows version; this corresponds to the tag WindowsTargetPlatformVersion in vcxproj files.

On desktop Windows, the default value is the value of the environment variable WindowsSDKVersion.


Specifies the minimum version of the Windows target platform; this corresponds to the tag WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion in vcxproj files.



Specifies a list of Yacc source files to be included in the project. All dependencies, headers and source files will automatically be included in the project.

For example:



Contains the path to the project file in use.

For example, the following line causes the location of the project file to be written to the console:


Note: Do not attempt to overwrite the value of this variable.


Contains the path to the directory containing the project file in use.

For example, the following line causes the location of the directory containing the project file to be written to the console:


Note: Do not attempt to overwrite the value of this variable.

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Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3.