
/Ruby on Rails 6.0

class ActiveStorage::Attached::Many


Decorated proxy object representing of multiple attachments to a model.

Public Instance Methods

attach(*attachables) Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/attached/many.rb, line 30
def attach(*attachables)
  if record.persisted? && !record.changed?
    record.update(name => blobs + attachables.flatten)
    record.public_send("#{name}=", (change&.attachables || blobs) + attachables.flatten)

Attaches one or more attachables to the record.

If the record is persisted and unchanged, the attachments are saved to the database immediately. Otherwise, they'll be saved to the DB when the record is next saved.

document.images.attach(params[:images]) # Array of ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile objects
document.images.attach(params[:signed_blob_id]) # Signed reference to blob from direct upload
document.images.attach(io: File.open("/path/to/racecar.jpg"), filename: "racecar.jpg", content_type: "image/jpg")
document.images.attach([ first_blob, second_blob ])
attached?() Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/attached/many.rb, line 45
def attached?

Returns true if any attachments has been made.

class Gallery < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many_attached :photos

Gallery.new.photos.attached? # => false
attachments() Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/attached/many.rb, line 11
def attachments
  change.present? ? change.attachments : record.public_send("#{name}_attachments")

Returns all the associated attachment records.

All methods called on this proxy object that aren't listed here will automatically be delegated to attachments.

blobs() Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/attached/many.rb, line 16
def blobs
  change.present? ? change.blobs : record.public_send("#{name}_blobs")

Returns all attached blobs.

detach() Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/attached/many.rb, line 50
def detach
  attachments.delete_all if attached?

Deletes associated attachments without purging them, leaving their respective blobs in place.

purge() Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/attached/many.rb, line 60

Directly purges each associated attachment (i.e. destroys the blobs and attachments and deletes the files on the service).

purge_later() Show source
# File activestorage/lib/active_storage/attached/many.rb, line 64

Purges each associated attachment through the queuing system.

© 2004–2019 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License.