
/Ruby on Rails 7.0

class ActiveRecord::Encryption::EnvelopeEncryptionKeyProvider


Implements a simple envelope encryption approach where:

  • It generates a random data-encryption key for each encryption operation

  • It stores the generated key along with the encrypted payload. It encrypts this key with the master key provided in the credential +active_record.encryption.master key+

This provider can work with multiple master keys. It will use the last one for encrypting.

When `config.store_key_references` is true, it will also store a reference to the specific master key that was used to encrypt the data-encryption key. When not set, it will try all the configured master keys looking for the right one, in order to return the right decryption key.

Public Instance Methods

active_primary_key() Show source
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/encryption/envelope_encryption_key_provider.rb, line 31
def active_primary_key
  @active_primary_key ||= primary_key_provider.encryption_key
decryption_keys(encrypted_message) Show source
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/encryption/envelope_encryption_key_provider.rb, line 26
def decryption_keys(encrypted_message)
  secret = decrypt_data_key(encrypted_message)
  secret ? [ActiveRecord::Encryption::Key.new(secret)] : []
encryption_key() Show source
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/encryption/envelope_encryption_key_provider.rb, line 18
def encryption_key
  random_secret = generate_random_secret
  ActiveRecord::Encryption::Key.new(random_secret).tap do |key|
    key.public_tags.encrypted_data_key = encrypt_data_key(random_secret)
    key.public_tags.encrypted_data_key_id = active_primary_key.id if ActiveRecord::Encryption.config.store_key_references

© 2004–2021 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License.