# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 39 def application @application ||= (app_class.instance if app_class) end
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 116 def autoloaders application.autoloaders end
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 50 def backtrace_cleaner @backtrace_cleaner ||= begin # Relies on Active Support, so we have to lazy load to postpone definition until Active Support has been loaded require "rails/backtrace_cleaner" Rails::BacktraceCleaner.new end end
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 46 def configuration application.config end
The Configuration
instance used to configure the Rails
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 72 def env @_env ||= ActiveSupport::EnvironmentInquirer.new(ENV["RAILS_ENV"].presence || ENV["RACK_ENV"].presence || "development") end
Returns the current Rails
Rails.env # => "development" Rails.env.development? # => true Rails.env.production? # => false
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 79 def env=(environment) @_env = ActiveSupport::EnvironmentInquirer.new(environment) end
Sets the Rails
Rails.env = "staging" # => "staging"
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 83 def error application && application.executor.error_reporter end
# File railties/lib/rails/gem_version.rb, line 5 def self.gem_version Gem::Version.new VERSION::STRING end
Returns the version of the currently loaded Rails
as a Gem::Version
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 96 def groups(*groups) hash = groups.extract_options! env = Rails.env groups.unshift(:default, env) groups.concat ENV["RAILS_GROUPS"].to_s.split(",") groups.concat hash.map { |k, v| k if v.map(&:to_s).include?(env) } groups.compact! groups.uniq! groups end
Returns all Rails
groups for loading based on:
The Rails
The environment variable RAILS_GROUPS;
The optional envs given as argument and the hash with group dependencies;
Rails.groups assets: [:development, :test] # => [:default, "development", :assets] for Rails.env == "development" # => [:default, "production"] for Rails.env == "production"
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 112 def public_path application && Pathname.new(application.paths["public"].first) end
Returns a Pathname
object of the public folder of the current Rails
project, otherwise it returns nil
if there is no project:
Rails.public_path # => #<Pathname:/Users/someuser/some/path/project/public>
# File railties/lib/rails.rb, line 63 def root application && application.config.root end
Returns a Pathname
object of the current Rails
project, otherwise it returns nil
if there is no project:
Rails.root # => #<Pathname:/Users/someuser/some/path/project>
# File railties/lib/rails/version.rb, line 7 def self.version VERSION::STRING end
Returns the version of the currently loaded Rails
as a string.
© 2004–2021 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License.