

Ready State

Whenever Relay is fulfilling data requirements, it can be useful to know when certain events occur. For example, we might want to record how long it takes for data to be available, or we might want to log errors to the server. These events are available on most Relay APIs via the onReadyStateChange callback.


When Relay fulfills data, the onReadyStateChange callback is called one or more times with an object that describes the current "ready state". This object has the following properties:

  • ready: boolean

    This is true when the subset of data required for rendering is ready.

  • done: boolean

    This is true when all data requirements are ready for rendering.

  • error: ?Error

    This is an instance of Error if there is a failure. Otherwise, this is null.

  • events: Array<ReadyStateEvent>

    This is an array of events received so far (see ReadyStateEvent below).

  • stale: boolean

    When "force fetching", this is true if ready is true as a result of data being available on the client before the server request has completed.

  • aborted: boolean

    Whether the request was aborted.




Fetching Data from the Server

If insufficient data on the client leads Relay to send a server request for more data, we can expect the following behavior:

  1. Once with ready set to false.
  2. Once with ready and done set to true.

Resolving Data from the Client

If sufficient data is available on the client such that Relay does not need to send a server request, we can expect the following behavior:

  1. Once with ready and done set to true.

Server Error

If a server request results in a failure to load data, we can expect the following behavior:

  1. Once with ready set to false.
  2. Once with error set to an Error object.

Note that ready and done will continue to be false.

Force Fetching with Data from the Client

If a "force fetch" occurs and there is insufficient data on the client, the same behavior as Fetching Data from the Server can be expected. However, if a "force fetch" occurs and there is sufficient data on the client to render, we can expect the following behavior:

  1. Once with ready, done, and stale set to true.
  2. Once with ready and done set to true, but stale set to false.

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