


A RefetchContainer first renders like a regular FragmentContainer, but has the option to execute a new query with different variables and render the response of that query instead when the request comes back.

this.props.relay exports the following API to execute the refetch query:

type Variables = {[name: string]: any};
type RefetchOptions = {
  force?: boolean, // Refetch even if already fetched this query and variables.
type Disposable = {
  dispose(): void,

 * Execute the refetch query
refetch: (
  refetchVariables: Variables | (fragmentVariables: Variables) => Variables,
  renderVariables: ?Variables,
  callback: ?(error: ?Error) => void,
  options?: RefetchOptions,
) => Disposable,
  • refetchVariables is either a bag of variables or a function that takes in the previous fragment variables and returns new variables.
  • renderVariables is an optional param that tells Relay which variables to use at when the component is re-rendered after fetching. Without this, the refetchVariables will be used. You might use this for more advanced usage, for example, to implement pagination, where you would fetch an additional page with variables like {first: 5, after: '...'}, but you would then render the full collection with {first: 10}.
  • It returns a Disposable on which you could call dispose() to cancel the refetch.


const {
} = require('react-relay');

class FeedStories extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          edge => <Story story={edge.node} key={edge.node.id} />
          title="Load More"

  _loadMore() {
    // Increments the number of stories being rendered by 10.
    const refetchVariables = fragmentVariables => ({
      count: fragmentVariables.count + 10,
    this.props.relay.refetch(refetchVariables, null);

module.exports = createRefetchContainer(
    feed: graphql`
      fragment FeedStories_feed on Feed
        count: {type: "Int", defaultValue: 10}
      ) {
        stories(first: $count) {
          edges {
            node {
    query FeedStoriesRefetchQuery($count: Int) {
      feed {
        ...FeedStories_feed @arguments(count: $count)

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