
/Symfony 4.1


class SimpleFormFactory extends FormLoginFactory


protected $options from AbstractFactory
protected $defaultSuccessHandlerOptions from AbstractFactory
protected $defaultFailureHandlerOptions from AbstractFactory


array create(ContainerBuilder $container, string $id, array $config, $userProviderId, $defaultEntryPointId)

Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.

from AbstractFactory
addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node)
addOption($name, $default = null) from AbstractFactory
string createAuthProvider(ContainerBuilder $container, string $id, array $config, string $userProviderId)

Subclasses must return the id of a service which implements the AuthenticationProviderInterface.

string getListenerId()

Subclasses must return the id of the abstract listener template.

string createEntryPoint(ContainerBuilder $container, string $id, array $config, $defaultEntryPoint)

Subclasses may create an entry point of their as they see fit. The default implementation does not change the default entry point.

from FormLoginFactory
bool isRememberMeAware($config)

Subclasses may disable remember-me features for the listener, by always returning false from this method.

from AbstractFactory
createListener($container, $id, $config, $userProvider)
createAuthenticationSuccessHandler($container, $id, $config) from AbstractFactory
createAuthenticationFailureHandler($container, $id, $config) from AbstractFactory
getSuccessHandlerId($id) from AbstractFactory
getFailureHandlerId($id) from AbstractFactory
string getPosition()

Defines the position at which the provider is called.

from FormLoginFactory
string getKey()

Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.


array create(ContainerBuilder $container, string $id, array $config, $userProviderId, $defaultEntryPointId)

Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.


ContainerBuilder $container
string $id The unique id of the firewall
array $config The options array for the listener

Return Value

array containing three values: - the provider id - the listener id - the entry point id

addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node)


NodeDefinition $node

final addOption($name, $default = null)



protected string createAuthProvider(ContainerBuilder $container, string $id, array $config, string $userProviderId)

Subclasses must return the id of a service which implements the AuthenticationProviderInterface.


ContainerBuilder $container
string $id The unique id of the firewall
array $config The options array for this listener
string $userProviderId The id of the user provider

Return Value

string never null, the id of the authentication provider

protected string getListenerId()

Subclasses must return the id of the abstract listener template.

Listener definitions should inherit from the AbstractAuthenticationListener like this:

In the above case, this method would return "my.listener.id".

Return Value


protected string createEntryPoint(ContainerBuilder $container, string $id, array $config, $defaultEntryPoint)

Subclasses may create an entry point of their as they see fit. The default implementation does not change the default entry point.


ContainerBuilder $container
string $id
array $config

Return Value

string the entry point id

protected bool isRememberMeAware($config)

Subclasses may disable remember-me features for the listener, by always returning false from this method.



Return Value

bool Whether a possibly configured RememberMeServices should be set for this listener

protected createListener($container, $id, $config, $userProvider)



protected createAuthenticationSuccessHandler($container, $id, $config)



protected createAuthenticationFailureHandler($container, $id, $config)



protected getSuccessHandlerId($id)



protected getFailureHandlerId($id)




string getPosition()

Defines the position at which the provider is called.

Possible values: pre_auth, form, http, and remember_me.

Return Value


string getKey()

Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.

Return Value
