
/Symfony 4.1


abstract class Client

Client simulates a browser.

To make the actual request, you need to implement the doRequest() method.

If you want to be able to run requests in their own process (insulated flag), you need to also implement the getScript() method.


protected $history
protected $cookieJar
protected $server
protected $internalRequest
protected $request
protected $internalResponse
protected $response
protected $crawler
protected $insulated
protected $redirect
protected $followRedirects


__construct(array $server = array(), History $history = null, CookieJar $cookieJar = null)
followRedirects(bool $followRedirect = true)

Sets whether to automatically follow redirects or not.

bool isFollowingRedirects()

Returns whether client automatically follows redirects or not.

setMaxRedirects(int $maxRedirects)

Sets the maximum number of redirects that crawler can follow.

int getMaxRedirects()

Returns the maximum number of redirects that crawler can follow.

insulate(bool $insulated = true)

Sets the insulated flag.

setServerParameters(array $server)

Sets server parameters.

setServerParameter(string $key, string $value)

Sets single server parameter.

string getServerParameter(string $key, string $default = '')

Gets single server parameter for specified key.

Crawler xmlHttpRequest(string $method, string $uri, array $parameters = array(), array $files = array(), array $server = array(), string $content = null, bool $changeHistory = true)
History getHistory()

Returns the History instance.

CookieJar getCookieJar()

Returns the CookieJar instance.

Crawler getCrawler()

Returns the current Crawler instance.

Response getInternalResponse()

Returns the current BrowserKit Response instance.

object getResponse()

Returns the current origin response instance.

Request getInternalRequest()

Returns the current BrowserKit Request instance.

object getRequest()

Returns the current origin Request instance.

Crawler click(Link $link)

Clicks on a given link.

Crawler submit(Form $form, array $values = array())

Submits a form.

Crawler request(string $method, string $uri, array $parameters = array(), array $files = array(), array $server = array(), string $content = null, bool $changeHistory = true)

Calls a URI.

object doRequestInProcess(object $request)

Makes a request in another process.

object doRequest(object $request)

Makes a request.

getScript(object $request)

Returns the script to execute when the request must be insulated.

object filterRequest(Request $request)

Filters the BrowserKit request to the origin one.

Response filterResponse(object $response)

Filters the origin response to the BrowserKit one.

Crawler|null createCrawlerFromContent(string $uri, string $content, string $type)

Creates a crawler.

Crawler back()

Goes back in the browser history.

Crawler forward()

Goes forward in the browser history.

Crawler reload()

Reloads the current browser.

Crawler followRedirect()

Follow redirects?


Restarts the client.

string getAbsoluteUri(string $uri)

Takes a URI and converts it to absolute if it is not already absolute.

Crawler requestFromRequest(Request $request, bool $changeHistory = true)

Makes a request from a Request object directly.


__construct(array $server = array(), History $history = null, CookieJar $cookieJar = null)


array $server The server parameters (equivalent of $_SERVER)
History $history A History instance to store the browser history
CookieJar $cookieJar A CookieJar instance to store the cookies

followRedirects(bool $followRedirect = true)

Sets whether to automatically follow redirects or not.


bool $followRedirect Whether to follow redirects

bool isFollowingRedirects()

Returns whether client automatically follows redirects or not.

Return Value


setMaxRedirects(int $maxRedirects)

Sets the maximum number of redirects that crawler can follow.


int $maxRedirects

int getMaxRedirects()

Returns the maximum number of redirects that crawler can follow.

Return Value


insulate(bool $insulated = true)

Sets the insulated flag.


bool $insulated Whether to insulate the requests or not


RuntimeException When Symfony Process Component is not installed

setServerParameters(array $server)

Sets server parameters.


array $server An array of server parameters

setServerParameter(string $key, string $value)

Sets single server parameter.


string $key A key of the parameter
string $value A value of the parameter

string getServerParameter(string $key, string $default = '')

Gets single server parameter for specified key.


string $key A key of the parameter to get
string $default A default value when key is undefined

Return Value

string A value of the parameter

Crawler xmlHttpRequest(string $method, string $uri, array $parameters = array(), array $files = array(), array $server = array(), string $content = null, bool $changeHistory = true)


string $method
string $uri
array $parameters
array $files
array $server
string $content
bool $changeHistory

Return Value


History getHistory()

Returns the History instance.

Return Value

History A History instance

CookieJar getCookieJar()

Returns the CookieJar instance.

Return Value

CookieJar A CookieJar instance

Crawler getCrawler()

Returns the current Crawler instance.

Return Value

Crawler A Crawler instance

Response getInternalResponse()

Returns the current BrowserKit Response instance.

Return Value

Response A BrowserKit Response instance

object getResponse()

Returns the current origin response instance.

The origin response is the response instance that is returned by the code that handles requests.

Return Value

object A response instance

See also


Request getInternalRequest()

Returns the current BrowserKit Request instance.

Return Value

Request A BrowserKit Request instance

object getRequest()

Returns the current origin Request instance.

The origin request is the request instance that is sent to the code that handles requests.

Return Value

object A Request instance

See also


Crawler click(Link $link)

Clicks on a given link.


Link $link

Return Value


Crawler submit(Form $form, array $values = array())

Submits a form.


Form $form
array $values

Return Value


Crawler request(string $method, string $uri, array $parameters = array(), array $files = array(), array $server = array(), string $content = null, bool $changeHistory = true)

Calls a URI.


string $method The request method
string $uri The URI to fetch
array $parameters The Request parameters
array $files The files
array $server The server parameters (HTTP headers are referenced with a HTTP_ prefix as PHP does)
string $content The raw body data
bool $changeHistory Whether to update the history or not (only used internally for back(), forward(), and reload())

Return Value


protected object doRequestInProcess(object $request)

Makes a request in another process.


object $request An origin request instance

Return Value

object An origin response instance


RuntimeException When processing returns exit code

abstract protected object doRequest(object $request)

Makes a request.


object $request An origin request instance

Return Value

object An origin response instance

protected getScript(object $request)

Returns the script to execute when the request must be insulated.


object $request An origin request instance


LogicException When this abstract class is not implemented

protected object filterRequest(Request $request)

Filters the BrowserKit request to the origin one.


Request $request The BrowserKit Request to filter

Return Value

object An origin request instance

protected Response filterResponse(object $response)

Filters the origin response to the BrowserKit one.


object $response The origin response to filter

Return Value

Response An BrowserKit Response instance

protected Crawler|null createCrawlerFromContent(string $uri, string $content, string $type)

Creates a crawler.

This method returns null if the DomCrawler component is not available.


string $uri A URI
string $content Content for the crawler to use
string $type Content type

Return Value


Crawler back()

Goes back in the browser history.

Return Value


Crawler forward()

Goes forward in the browser history.

Return Value


Crawler reload()

Reloads the current browser.

Return Value


Crawler followRedirect()

Follow redirects?

Return Value



LogicException If request was not a redirect


Restarts the client.

It flushes history and all cookies.

protected string getAbsoluteUri(string $uri)

Takes a URI and converts it to absolute if it is not already absolute.


string $uri A URI

Return Value

string An absolute URI

protected Crawler requestFromRequest(Request $request, bool $changeHistory = true)

Makes a request from a Request object directly.


Request $request A Request instance
bool $changeHistory Whether to update the history or not (only used internally for back(), forward(), and reload())

Return Value


© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.