
/Symfony 4.1


class ConsoleOutput extends StreamOutput implements ConsoleOutputInterface

ConsoleOutput is the default class for all CLI output. It uses STDOUT and STDERR.

This class is a convenient wrapper around StreamOutput for both STDOUT and STDERR.

$output = new ConsoleOutput();

This is equivalent to:

$output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://stdout', 'w'));
$stdErr = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://stderr', 'w'));


__construct(int|null $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, bool $decorated = null, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null)
setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter)
OutputFormatterInterface getFormatter()

Returns current output formatter instance.

from Output
setDecorated(bool $decorated)

Sets the decorated flag.

bool isDecorated()

Gets the decorated flag.

from Output
setVerbosity(int $level)

Sets the verbosity of the output.

int getVerbosity()

Gets the current verbosity of the output.

from Output
bool isQuiet()

Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).

from Output
bool isVerbose()

Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).

from Output
bool isVeryVerbose()

Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).

from Output
bool isDebug()

Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).

from Output
writeln(string|iterable $messages, int $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL)

Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.

from Output
write(string|iterable $messages, bool $newline = false, int $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL)

Writes a message to the output.

from Output
doWrite(string $message, bool $newline)

Writes a message to the output.

from StreamOutput
resource getStream()

Gets the stream attached to this StreamOutput instance.

from StreamOutput
bool hasColorSupport()

Returns true if the stream supports colorization.

from StreamOutput
ConsoleSectionOutput section()

Creates a new output section.

OutputInterface getErrorOutput()

Gets the OutputInterface for errors.

setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error)
bool hasStdoutSupport()

Returns true if current environment supports writing console output to STDOUT.

bool hasStderrSupport()

Returns true if current environment supports writing console output to STDERR.


__construct(int|null $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, bool $decorated = null, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null)


int|null $verbosity The verbosity level (one of the VERBOSITY constants in OutputInterface)
bool $decorated Whether to decorate messages
OutputFormatterInterface $formatter Output formatter instance (null to use default OutputFormatter)

setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter)


OutputFormatterInterface $formatter

OutputFormatterInterface getFormatter()

Returns current output formatter instance.

Return Value


setDecorated(bool $decorated)

Sets the decorated flag.


bool $decorated Whether to decorate the messages

bool isDecorated()

Gets the decorated flag.

Return Value

bool true if the output will decorate messages, false otherwise

setVerbosity(int $level)

Sets the verbosity of the output.


int $level The level of verbosity (one of the VERBOSITY constants)

int getVerbosity()

Gets the current verbosity of the output.

Return Value

int The current level of verbosity (one of the VERBOSITY constants)

bool isQuiet()

Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).

Return Value

bool true if verbosity is set to VERBOSITY_QUIET, false otherwise

bool isVerbose()

Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).

Return Value

bool true if verbosity is set to VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, false otherwise

bool isVeryVerbose()

Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).

Return Value

bool true if verbosity is set to VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, false otherwise

bool isDebug()

Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).

Return Value

bool true if verbosity is set to VERBOSITY_DEBUG, false otherwise

writeln(string|iterable $messages, int $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL)

Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.


string|iterable $messages The message as an iterable of strings or a single string
int $options A bitmask of options (one of the OUTPUT or VERBOSITY constants), 0 is considered the same as self::OUTPUT_NORMAL | self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL

write(string|iterable $messages, bool $newline = false, int $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL)

Writes a message to the output.


string|iterable $messages The message as an iterable of strings or a single string
bool $newline Whether to add a newline
int $options A bitmask of options (one of the OUTPUT or VERBOSITY constants), 0 is considered the same as self::OUTPUT_NORMAL | self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL

protected doWrite(string $message, bool $newline)

Writes a message to the output.


string $message A message to write to the output
bool $newline Whether to add a newline or not

resource getStream()

Gets the stream attached to this StreamOutput instance.

Return Value

resource A stream resource

protected bool hasColorSupport()

Returns true if the stream supports colorization.

Colorization is disabled if not supported by the stream:

This is tricky on Windows, because Cygwin, Msys2 etc emulate pseudo terminals via named pipes, so we can only check the environment.

Reference: Composer\XdebugHandler\Process::supportsColor https://github.com/composer/xdebug-handler

Return Value

bool true if the stream supports colorization, false otherwise

ConsoleSectionOutput section()

Creates a new output section.

Return Value


OutputInterface getErrorOutput()

Gets the OutputInterface for errors.

Return Value


setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error)


OutputInterface $error

protected bool hasStdoutSupport()

Returns true if current environment supports writing console output to STDOUT.

Return Value


protected bool hasStderrSupport()

Returns true if current environment supports writing console output to STDERR.

Return Value


© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.