
/Symfony 4.1


class LazyLoadingFragmentHandler extends FragmentHandler

Lazily loads fragment renderers from the dependency injection container.


__construct(ContainerInterface $container, RequestStack $requestStack, bool $debug = false)
addRenderer(FragmentRendererInterface $renderer)

Adds a renderer.

from FragmentHandler
string|null render(string|ControllerReference $uri, string $renderer = 'inline', array $options = array())

Renders a URI and returns the Response content.

string|null deliver(Response $response)

Delivers the Response as a string.

from FragmentHandler


__construct(ContainerInterface $container, RequestStack $requestStack, bool $debug = false)


ContainerInterface $container
RequestStack $requestStack The Request stack that controls the lifecycle of requests
bool $debug Whether the debug mode is enabled or not

addRenderer(FragmentRendererInterface $renderer)

Adds a renderer.


FragmentRendererInterface $renderer

string|null render(string|ControllerReference $uri, string $renderer = 'inline', array $options = array())

Renders a URI and returns the Response content.

Available options:

  • ignore_errors: true to return an empty string in case of an error


string|ControllerReference $uri A URI as a string or a ControllerReference instance
string $renderer The renderer name
array $options An array of options

Return Value

string|null The Response content or null when the Response is streamed


InvalidArgumentException when the renderer does not exist
LogicException when no master request is being handled

protected string|null deliver(Response $response)

Delivers the Response as a string.

When the Response is a StreamedResponse, the content is streamed immediately instead of being returned.


Response $response

Return Value

string|null The Response content or null when the Response is streamed


RuntimeException when the Response is not successful